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"I live my life in thoughts of him."

Dexter and I were sitting on the most comfortable bench in the back garden of restaurant.Bench was surrounded by several fountains,which were not jetting  water. We were done with our pathetic jokes as our stomachs were paining for laughing so hard.I had no mood to return to the dinner and so did Dexter. 

"So you just graduated from Lawrence Park High School?"Dexter questioned out of the blue but I guess it was a nice try to consummate the awkward silence building between us.

"Yeah,and you?" I asked crossing my legs over the bench.

His blue eyes were focused
forward into nothingness?

"I am going to start my business in San Francisco and came here to get some tips form your dad." He hesitated while he spoke. I noticed he wasn't comfortable while he spoke about his business. I guessed because it reminded him of his parents.

" It's really impressive to start your  own business at your age." I tried to motivate him.

" What if you're not good enough?"

" Well...I think if you really really want to be something in life then there is no force in the world that can stop you. You just have to be honest with yourself and know what you're doing is for your betterment. Simple." 
I shrugged.

" You sound like my Grandma." He smiled for the first time since we came here.

" Do I sound that old?" I giggled but he didn't. As quickly as his smile appeared, the more quicker it vanished.

" Umm...the weather is quite pleasant." I tried to kill the awkwardness with the only sentence I could come up at that time. 

He stood up from the bench and shoved his hands in his pockets. His back was facing me.

" Maybe dad's decision to leave his business to me was a wrong one." He said it so quietly that if I wasn't standing close to him I wouldn't have heard him. It seemed like he wasn't talking to me but to himself. So I remained quiet.

All of a sudden all four fountains jetted water into the air and  wetted us mercilessly. I couldn't help smile. I spreaded my hands and ran in the heart of the fountain. I raised my head to the sky and began to move in circles. Water was striking my eyes, nose, lips and all of my body and it felt so good. For the first time since the park incident, I felt alive.

I opened my eyes and stopped moving. I looked at Dexter and he was standing away from the fountain and observing me. I raised my eyebrows and asked him to join me but he shook his head.  I smirked at him.

" Don't even think. I'll kill you Sylvia." Dexter warned as I took a step towards him.

I ran towards him but he began to ran further away. Finally, I reached him and quickly jumped on his back, soaking his clothes too. He lost balance and we both fell down, side by side.

" Ow!" He winced.

" I won!" I screamed as the fountain soaked both of us.

We both splashed water on each other. 

" Stop!" I said as his splash hit me hard.

" You started this!" He said sending another splash.

" Fine! Now stop!" He stopped and we both sat under the fountain as water covered the entire area.

He looked at me and then at his clothes. I rolled in the fits of laughter. He stared at me for a few seconds then slowly he too began to laugh.

Dexter ran a hand through his hair and moved further towards the fountain.He didn't even bother helping me get up. Wow,what a gentleman! Note the sarcasm.

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