We lost our bags!

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We landed in Paris at around
12 noon. A wave of excitement begin to bubble inside me. I was beyond relief when the thought that no ones gonna catch me overcame. I,for the first time felt like I was independent. My overly overprotective parents made this happen. But I couldn't just let this happen anymore. At least not when I didn't know if I will live the next second or not. Yes I know I'm being dramatic but it is what it is.
A fresh and energetic vibe build inside me as we moved through the airport. Dexter had never been to paris for a holiday. In the plane he told me that once he came here for some business but never felt like roaming around. Weird!
"So,what's the plan? " Dexter asked me while we waited in the line for Mcdonalds.
"Come on, Dexter I made up my mind in like last 5 sec and you expect me to have a plan?" We moved a little. A couple was in front of us who kept on giggling into each other's ears. How cute!
"We are in a whole different continent and you expect me to just flow with it? That's something I've never come across." Dexter was now getting a little irritated by the couple as they kept on ignoring the other members in the queue.
" There is a reason why I say : 'I'm different.' I'm gonna show you the same world but in a whole new way." I grinned at him and as a matter of fact,I spread out my arms.
Dexter rolled his eyes and checked his watch impatiently. We didn't have any plan. We didn't know when or where would be our next stop so why was he being so impatient?
" Have you ever noticed how some of the best days of your life are the ones you did not plan?" I asked him while biting on my apple.
"That's impractical."
I shook my head.
"That's staying positive."
"Being posi-" Dexter was cut of by a loud shriek from the couple.
"Sylvia!" It was the girl from the couple who came and hugged me tight. Do I know her? I could only know after seeing her face which was shielded by her hair. I slapped her on the back to release me from her tight grip.
"I'm... I'm sorry...I was just so happy to see ya!" Samantha declared while pausing in between,to catch her breath.
"God! How come you are here and who's the lucky one you keep dieing over." I raised my eyebrows.
"Oh...Damien come here!" His back was towards me so I couldn't see his face. As soon as he turned my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it. He was the same guy who kept on dumping Samantha and here they were. I looked over to Sam who was nodding at me as if reading my mind. My girl had truly succeeded!
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was just so busy with all these mixed feelings that I didn't even thank you for awaking motivation in me." Samantha declared while Damien held her tight against him.
"There was no stopping since she swept me away." Damien declared.
Although Damien was an asshole but you could tell when he was being genuine. I was just glad they both sorted this out in the best way.
" I'll get you later but for now I'm glad my speech made a difference in you and helped you get your love. " I wiggled my eyebrows. Sam and Damien were blushing uncontrollably. How adorable!
"If I'm not bothering you much,can you move aside since there is a long queue of people waiting behind you." Dexter objected. I completely forgot he was around.
"You guys catch up , I'll bring us food." Damien declared.
I,Dexter and Samantha waited on a table.
"Hey,Dexter!" Samantha once again started drooling. Not again!
"Hey,sam." They both exchanged handshakes.
To prevent any awkwardness I butted
"So, how come you're here? "
"I and Damien are leaving for America. What 'bout you?"
"We just landed."
"Ooo I believe this is finally sylvia's dreams coming over?" She smiled down at me.
"I guess so."
" Well, I'm glad." She squeezed my hand.
Dexter stood up and asked if I wanted to change my currency as he was going for his. I nodded and looked around for my backpack. There wasn't any. Wait...Dexter and I looked at eachother simultaneously. Crap we left it in the plane. I was going to be dead since Dexter told me to remind him for the bags as we changed the seats and they were above our previous seats.
"You okay?" Samantha asked me as Damien brought our food. I looked at Dexter who turned around and rushed to the airport office.
"Yeah,so how much do we need to pay Damien? " I asked for the food he brought for me and Dexter.
"Are you kidding me? You are not paying." Samantha and Damien said simultaneously. As if I actually had any money. I nodded.
We ate in silence until Sam and Damien' s flight arrived and they left. Not before Sam reminded me of my stupid disease and suggested I tell Dexter. But I objected. The fate was my own and I had to fight it. Alone!
Dexter arrived with a restless look on his face. I raised my eyebrows.
" The plane is not returning until two days. "
I stood up.
" well then let's go and come back after two days."  I begin walking towards the exit.
"Are you telling me that we're gonna roam around paris with no food and money?" Dexter asked while stopping me .
" Stop whining, Ainsworth."
" Huh?" Dexter raised his eyebrows and gave me a look of  'Our -bags have -been -lost -and -you -want -me -to -stop -whining?'
I grabbed his arm and begin to drag him with me.
" Remember how I said I'll show you the world in a whole different way? Well here it is." I spread out my arms.
" I never knew your 'different' was without  money." He rolled his eyes.
" I'll never understand you, Sy."
You will Dexter, I thought.
To say I was exhausted would be an understatement. I had booked our room in the hotel before boarding the plane so that was a relief since we lost our money. We were not to get our bags back till two days. Although this seemed a little scary but in actual it was fun; cut the 1 mile walk we took to reach the hotel to save the cab money.
Dexter offered to pick me up but I rejected. At least I could burn some calories this way. We didn't get to see much around except for heavy traffic and tourists. As soon as we reached; we checked into our room and sprawled onto to the bed. Now there was the problem for the single room. The hotel was so elegant and high in demand that we were left with just one room. Though we did have a sofa bed and some other cozy stuff to accommodate.
Dexter offered to sleep on sofa bed and left me on the bed. But the civilized person I was, I suggested that we could share the bed since it was too large it could accommodate a whole football team. To which he replied:
" I don't see the football team here but I can help you make 'em."
"Gross, how come you're so cocky!" I almost shouted. I don't know why I was blushing so hard.
" I can make twins too!" I threw the pillow at him but he caught it midway and threw it back.
"So you want a pillow fight?"
"Maybe." He shrugged.
I took it as a yes and threw another pillow with all the strength I had left after a 1 mile walk.
I was shocked when he caught it nonchalantly and raised his eyebrows. He flexed his muscles.
"How...how exactly did you do it?"
" Well I thought my muscles are more prominent then I actually think they are." He flexed again and raised his forearms to show me his biceps.
Holy fudge balls!
"Actually...I've seen better." Lie
"Now,have you?" He travelled towards me. I moved back.
"Yeah,your bo...dy is a...average best." He was just a centimeter away now. Sweat started sliding down my hands and forehead. Why did I even choose him in the first place?
"In that case I think I need to show you that it's more than average."
I almost fell back on the bed but he caught me from my waist and held me there for god knows how long. His blue orbs were locked into my brown ones.
I had the sudden urge to stay there forever. His strong and protective arms were wrapped around my waist. He moved his face closer to my ear. I gulped down my saliva and waited.
"You...you..." He gulped. I Waited.
"You'll be sleeping on the sofa bed!"
Before I could contemplate any further, he threw me on sofa bed and jumped on the bed. By the time I realized what he had done,he was already asleep on the bed.
To say I had the most comfortable sleep of my life would be an understatement. Note the sarcasm!

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