Please stay

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Dexter's POV

It has been an hour since they took Sylvia into the operation theatre for a bypass. We're sitting in the waiting room with a pin drop silence as each one of us is still in the shock for what happened.  As soon as they took Sylvia in, I ran out of the hospital in the fresh air as I felt suffocated. Perhaps also because I didn't want to answer any of the questions raised by her parents.

I wanted to scream on top of my lungs but I didn't, instead I just put my head against the back of the bench and looked up at the sky as the tears silently poured down. But I didn't do any of this, instead I walked back inside, to calm her parents down.

She can't go like this, right? I mean there is so much more we need to do together. She has to do her university, get married, have kids and she still needs to see the rest of the world. She has to open up a cotton candy shop too. I silently chuckled to myself as the memories of the time we rode the scooter came before my eyes and how she crashed it because she wanted the cotton candy so bad.

" Did...did you know?" Suddenly Mrs Jacob broke the silence.

No one replied so I assumed she was asking me. I looked at her from across the room and nodded. But quickly looked down again.

" Why didn't you tell any of us?" She was staring at me with a look which said something wrong is going to happen.

" I...I assumed..."

" Evelyn, stop. He's going through the same pain as we are. Don't make things complicated." Mr Jacob said in a low voice as it broke in the end.

" I...wish I hadn't been hard on her. Maybe it's all my fault. Only if I were close to her." She broke down and choked in her husband's chest.

I stood up and walked towards her. Sitting down on one knee ,I grabbed her hand.

" Believe me, it's not your fault. Whenever we talked of you, she talked highly of you. She loves you very much."

" I wish I could understand her." She looked at our hands.

" I wish we all can. She's a mystery. A beautiful mystery." I whispered.

She nodded.
" Was she taking her medicines there?" She asked with a concerned expression.

" She was. Even though she wanted to live like a normal teenager without the constant thought of the illness but she did. And now you make sure she takes them in future too." I smiled at her.

" I will. I promise I will." She sniffed.

" And now listen to me," I squeezed her hand and she looked at me, " she's not going anywhere. She'll be fine. You're going to see."

" Do you promise?" Her eyes held a longing. A mother longing for her child, that's what I saw in them. Her eyes were begging for me to say yes.

" I promise." I said while putting my head in her lap. She kissed the top of my head and stayed there for a while.


Her mom and dad left a few minutes ago. They wanted to stay but I insisted because eye bags had appeared under her father's eyes and her mother was still  in the dress she wore on the wedding. Besides, the doctors said the surgery would go for another two hours.

" Call me if you need anything. Hopefully, we'll come back before the surgery." Her father said before going.

" Don't worry. I'm here."

He walked forward but then suddenly turned around and hugged me.

" Thank you, Dexter. Thank you so much."

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