Wanna go for walk?

22 10 7

I fidgeted through myriads of medicines. I was from start the careless kid in the matter of medicines. I never believed in them. What was destined to happen was going to happen. And everything happens for a good reason. But unfortunately now I had to.
Finally after throwing away several meds I found angina detected medicine. I closed the cupboard and stinky smell finished. Woah medicines really stink! As soon as I gulped it down my eyes caught a bouquet of white roses near the window. I looked at it suspiciously before picking them up. A  cold breeze wheezed my hair in all directions from the open window. A sticky note was tugged on it.
White roses can be beginning of 'catch- your-dreams' life :)
P.s look out of the window...
I did and boooom; only one glance at him took my heart to run faster than a leopard. He was wearing his black buisness suit with hair neatly combed back. His billion dollar grin was plastered on his face. I blushed.He winked and vanished behind the house. How cliche'.
Losing just my Appetite would be an understatement. I kept tossing lasagna around my plate as we sat in the evening. My mind kept on going back to Dexter's note. Not to mention I watched the white roses after every now and then: while going to washroom,opening my cupboard and so on. One thing was clear: Dexter would really support me in whatever step I took. I should pro-
"...cupcake?" Dad called,pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Huh? You said something?"
Mom was looking at me with narrowed eyes. I gulped the water down.
"Yeah.I was wondering when you'll start the courses for university?" Dad asked while eating the last burrito.
"Soon." To be honest I had not really thought about university since summer started.
"You don't look well, besides you haven't even touched lasagna which I assume is your favorite. Everything okay?" Dad squeezed my hand to make sure everything was okay.
I nodded.
Philippine maids flooded out of the kitchen and cleared up the table. Another group of maids approached and served us hot chocolates and lattes since the temperature was dropping rapidly.
" What if I want to study abroad?" I spoke and suddenly the table went silent.
" But there're several good uni's here." Dad replied.
" I know."
" Is there any uni you want to go in?" Mom asked.
" I don't know. I was just asking if I could go." I looked down at my plate.
" If you really want to go then me and your dad will look into them." Mom squeezed my hand. Honestly this was the best thing mom had ever said to me in eighteen years. 
" Thank you."
" An employee of mine left some brochures of important courses yesterday. They are in my study,do have a look when you are free."
Dad really seemed interested in my courses. Of course they should be my first priority from now since I am going to start uni in 3 months. But the weird thing is:I haven't even thought about it once. I don't mind studying here in Canada but the reason why I asked them was because I wanted to see what their response would be. I tried giving it a thought but my mind automatically goes to wider things like : how peaceful and mesmerizing would it be to capture the outside world or how warm could be a beach's water?
Wanna go out for a walk?" Dad stood up from the seat. His face was stern and wrinkles were being prominent. It only happened when he had something on his mind or sleepless nights.
We grabbed our jackets and walked along the wet road from rain. We passed through cafes and the pharmacy we came to yesterday. Memories came flashing from last night. I smiled. Dad might have observed it and hauled in front of a small cafe with expensive decorations and a glass window which exposed the magnificent furniture inside. We stepped inside and a strong coffee aroma hit me. My stomach was already gurgling.
We made ourselves comfortable at a booth near the window. The atmosphere was warm.
"I brought your mom here on our first date."
I was surprised because dad never really shared 'before -married -life details with me. He was looking down , drowned in his own thoughts. I waited for him to continue.
" At that time I wasn't who I am right now. Despite all the faults in me your mom accepted me. First I thought they were just temporary feelings and they would fade away but they didn't. I realised I loved your mom and so did she. You know the best part, your mom proposed me." Well I didn't know that. Dad stifled a laugh.
"It was so embarrassing for me because I'd never heard a girl propose before . Though I didn't have a problem." Dad shrugged and I laughed. Dad could be so cocky sometimes.
"It's not that we lived happily after that but had many ups and down and still do. You know when I've busy schedules and don't see your mom for a week and when your mom have her fashion exhibition kind of stuff. But we manage and don't fight over minor things because we understand each other in a way not even you could." He was moving to more serious talk now. I had a feeling that I knew where he was taking this.
" Sylvia, you're going to be in university soon. In these four to five years, your whole life is going to change. You'll be mature. Your life is going to get complicated. I just want to say that always make your decisions with your heart and mind both combined. Never underestimate yourself. I'm really proud of you and I know you've got this." He smiled and kissed my forehead.
" Thanks dad." I wanted to cry.
A moment of silence passed.
" Dad, if a person gets diagnosed with a serious illness, what should he do?"
" Get treated."
" He is but what if he doesn't have much life left or he thinks so?"
" Well, maybe he should do what he's been planning to do his whole life."
That's it! This is exactly what I wanted to hear.
Another silence.
" I think he's really good for you but yeah of course decision is all yours." He shrugged.
" What? Who?"
"I just always see a spark arise in you when he's with you. Most importantly in one he started to understand you so well but it's really up to you. Not to mention far better than your previous boyfriend. And you definitely know whom I'm referring to, right? He stuttered as it became awkward. His cheeks flushed.
" Uhh..."
I'm blushing.
It's awkward.
'" No, I...it's...uh" Dad stuttered and quickly stood up but I remained sitting.
" Dad?"
" Yeah?"
" Your father brought you here before your uni and gave you same advice, right?"
" Thats right. And for future reference it didn't feel this awkward in my head." He quickly walked out.
I chuckled and shook my head.
We were walking back when dad pointed: " Now that you officially have a man to impress, you should take some of those." I turned my head in the direction he was pointing in and screamed. Why is my dad telling me to buy bikinis?!
I was in my room when suddenly I grabbed my cardigan as it was cold outside and climbed up to the room on my roof. I inhaled the fresh air. It was like always: peaceful. But this time it was something else too. An emotion I had long lost, the kind of thing I felt as child when I was excited to get a candy, or when dad promised to take me swimming. I smiled and let adrenaline kick in as I picked up the darts from the floor and silently counted till three.
I closed my eyes and threw the needle at the world map. I heard a click and then silence. I opened my eyes and with my heart beating rapidly against my chest I checked to see the country where the needle of dart landed. Canada! I almost laughed out loud with the irony.
" Let's do this again." I whispered under my breath.
I once again closed my eyes and now with a greater force threw the needle. I gripped the last one tight in my hand and threw it. I walked closer to take a peek.
First one had landed at Italy and the second one in America closer to...San Francisco. Great!
Just as I sat down on the floor and looked at the map I couldn't stop the Adrenaline rushing through my veins and in my blood. It almost seemed like I was boarding the plane or even more...standing in Italy or America. This would be fun!
I leaned back in my desk chair and glanced out my window as the last rays of sunshine began to vanish behind the clouds. It was dusk now and I had been sitting here for around seven hours, searching through different cities of Italy. With every passing photo my excitement had doubled.
I was finally working on my application for university.
I yawned and stretched my sore legs and muscles. I fell on the bed with the stomach down and opened my diary. I began writing.
I know I've abandoned you for very long but look here I am.  This past week had been very important in my life. It made me realise so many things. It made me realise that life is short...at least for me and I must spend it the way I want to. Mom doesn't seem to have a problem now. I thank God for every single thing in my life but this life is not what I had asked for. I must live before its too late. Before I say anything else I must introduce you to ' him.'

I stopped writing and closed my eyes. What should I write about him? Who is he to me? Why am I referring to him when I'm writing about the  most important things of my life?
...well his name is Dexter. I didn't know one smile from a person could lift someone's mood so much until...well until I met him. He's very handsome. The most beautiful creature God has ever made. 
I closed my diary and rolled on my back. I kept glancing at the ceiling until every light from outside turned dark. The Stars took their place in the sky and the full moon hung brightly outside my window, reflecting a new beginning.

Hello guys!!
"What the heck!!"
"Is Sylvia sick ?!?!"
"Why her?!?"
**Cough, Cough**
I know so many questions are roaming around your mind and I'll answer them but first tell me did you like this twist or not?

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