Chapter 22: The Betrayal

Start from the beginning

"I don't think so", Taehyung says matter of factly.

"You said you wanted to acquire Min Corp."

"Acquisition isn't important. Watching Min Corp getting ruined is."

Jimin narrows his eyes, "What do you mean? We didn't buy a single stock of Min Corp and you are sitting here and smiling like nothing happened? Are you okay? Or has your love for Jungkook taken your edge away?"

"What does he have to do with anything?"

"Well you have been ignoring me since the morning while you picked up his call in a heart beat..", Jimin rolls his eyes.

"Because I knew you would be whining about the acquisition like you are right now and he doesn't disturb me without an actual reason"

"Okay forget it, what's the actual plan? And have you thought about how Young-jae knew about your plan?"

"I do", Taehyung raises his head to look at Jimin, his face straight.


"You don't need to know about it", Taehyung smiles, "I want to see your surprised reaction when I bring Min on his knees. Just have patience".

"Okay..", Jimin does not ask any further questions, he just sits in front of Taehyung trying to control his racing heart as they continue to talk about their other legal business.


Jungkook walks out of the elevator at the top floor of KC. While he is walking to Taehyung's cabin, his ears catch a voice of someone yelling from inside the gent's room. He decides to go see what's going on and finds Jimin yelling at someone on his phone, "I told you what I knew. It's not like you cared about all this anyway. How does it matter if he changed his plan. It seems like it's just me who cares about your well being. You don't. Yes. I shared that information to protect you...", Jungkook decides to not invade Jimin's privacy by eavesdropping on him and walk out when he hears Jimin continue, "..because it wouldn't have harmed Taehyung in anyway. I won't be able to help you any further. What do you mean you don't need my help? You need to get out of there before he comes for you all. You need to take care about yourself. I can't do it for you all the time. When Taehyung comes for Min Corp, you are going to get hurt and I don't want that".

Jungkook hides himself instantly when he hears Jimin talk about Taehyung and Min Corp. "I am coming to your house. Meet me in the frontyard", Jimin disconnects the call and walks out of the bathroom not noticing Jungkook while he stands there trying to process what he just heard. Jimin sharing information about Taehyung to Min Corp? How is this possible? Isn't he supposed to be Taehyung's best friend and his confidant? How can Taehyung's best friend betray him? As much as Jungkook hated the idea of spying on a friend, he needed to see where Jimin is heading at. He needed to see who he is going to meet and where, so he decides to follow Jimin.


Jungkook's car follows Jimin's car making sure to keep a safe distance to remain unrecognizable to Jimin. Jungkook tails Jimin for a few minutes keeping a sharp eye on his car ahead when his phone rings. He switches the speaker on, "Hello?"

"Where are you sweetheart? I am waiting for you", Taehyung says in a bored voice.

"Hyung, I am so sorry. I can't see you at the moment. I am out of the building. I totally forgot I had to help a friend with something",he lies to Taehyung before cursing under his breath, hating the fact that he had to lie to his boyfriend.

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