Chapter 22 - Tears in the Rain

Start from the beginning

A clock on the wall started to chime as it hit the hour.

Five o'clock. I'm surprised Cerno hasn't come gotten me yet, she thought. He's going to be so pissed....

Once she felt warm enough to move again, she made her way back out into the rain.

Another hour passed as she walked up and down streets and alleys, no one daring come out into the rain unless they had a dire purpose to. Her hair hung straight down and her clothes clung to her body, she kept her arms wrapped around herself as the cold had long since set in again.

"Leena," a voice growled dangerously.

"Shit," she muttered under her breath. She turned around to see Cerno only about 40 feet away from her.

"You lied to me. I showed you trust but you lied. You didn't want me to remove the guards for your privacy, you wanted them removed so you could come look for Sheja!" He was clearly angry. As he came up to her, he continued to yell. "All you had to do was ask, Leena!"

"I wanted to look alone!" she yelled back at him, angry tears running down her face instantly washed away by the continued downpour. "I figured she might come out if she saw just me!" Her voice broke as she continued to yell back at him, "But she either hasn't seen me, or doesn't care!"

Cerno's anger broke as he watched her own anger surge. "Leena, you're the one person Shej cares the most about. Well, one and a half."

"Then where is she?" Leena fell to her knees, not feeling the puddle she sat in since she was already soaked.

"I wish I knew, but I do know she better have a damn good reason." Cerno leaned down and hooked his hand under her arm. "You're freezing cold. Come on, let's get you back up to the house and get you into a hot shower."

As Cerno helped her to her feet, Leena suddenly felt the exhaustion of walking for almost four hours start to set in. Without a word, Cerno hefted her back up into his arms and there was no fight in her against it.

"I've still got my guards combing the city, some going door to door. I've put out an announcement even but I think she's turned into a disguise we would never recognize," Cerno said softly to her. He held Leena close as she folded her arms across her abdomen, turning her face into his shoulder and closing her eyes.

As they got back up to Leena and Shej's home, he set her down on an ottoman in front of the fireplace and using his source, the fire roared to life. He quickly grabbed some towels, a change of clothes, and blankets.

"Here are some towels and fresh pajamas. Are you able to shower and change on your own, or should I have Rosie help you?"

Leena chuckled softly. "Rosie."

Cerno blinked in confusion at the tone of mockery in her voice.

"I haven't even set up your blind date with her yet, but you just called her by a pet name."

Cerno instantly blushed. "She's who you had 'seen around the city'?"

"Yeah. I've seen how you two giggle at each other from time to time. I really think you should kick it up a notch with her, see where it goes." Leena's voice was soft as she slouched, arms still wrapped around herself. As she let her head hang down, her long hair fell around her face, barely brushing along the floor. She realized she needed a haircut.

"Never you mind Rosalie and I for now. Answer my question—can you manage on your own or not?"

She flinched at his suddenly rough-again tone. "Why are you being so harsh?"

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