I love you Mr. Abhimaan Rathod

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And all I really want is to be 

Hugged, kissed, wanted and loved

Preferably by you.


Ruh's POV:

This man! Yesterday he slept on bed as soon as he spotted it. Such a lazy ass he is! But I couldn't help admiring him. He is the man I fell for and today I am gonna tell him what I feel for him. Soon our families came back after sending Nivi away with Rohan to his house, now I am surely gonna miss her presence in this house whenever I'll come here. 

"Sunshine, did you see my wallet? I-", he stopped mid sentence on seeing his wallet in my hands.

"Oh what a magician you are!", and hugged me so tightly that I couldn't breath. I patted him on his back roughly to release myself from his grip. He just smiled sheepishly and went away. Haw! How rude of him! I followed him out and that's when I found both of our families sitting and doing God knows what.

"Hey peeps! What are guys doing?", I asked taking position beside Maan who was sitting beside my father.

"Spending time with each other. You see, spending time with each other is the best way to get to know someone and describes your opinions for them.", maa said glancing between me and Maan. I know her this look, it is the you-know-what-I-mean look and I surely know what is she trying to tell me. 

All of us were so much engrossed in ourselves that we lost the track of time. It was almost 10 in the night when I started feeling drowsy.

"Guys it's already 10, aren't you all tired?", I asked managing to keep my eyes open. They all started murmuring in line of 'yes' and biding good night we all left for our respective rooms. The whole day we did nothing but talk and in between play games. Maan entered in the room behind me and went to attend a call, in the balcony. I suddenly remembered something which made me forget all my tiredness and sleep. I waited patiently and tat bit nervously for him to get over with this call so that I can tell him what I wanted to from last few days. As if God listened to me, Maan within seconds came inside, all ready to sleep.

"Maan!", he stopped on his tracks and turned towards me.

"Uh, I want to te-tell you something?", I questioned rather than saying, he raised his one brow and came towards me.

"What is it?", he asked making me sit on couch and he sat beside me, holding my one hand.

"I don't know how to say because this is completely new for me.", I was sweating, now why the hell was I sweating so much? I not even became this nervous during my interview then why now?!

"Say it already sunshine.", he smiled which was enough to give me courage.

"I love you Maan", I blabbered in one go, my eyes shut tightly. I opened my one eye to see his reaction, I got none, he was sitting there as if he saw a ghost. He came out of his state of statue and looked at me as if I have grown two horns on my head. Oh this idiot is gonna make me say more!

"Maan, I don't know how, when, why and where this feeling filled my heart but I know just one thing that I am glad it's you. Like you call me your sunshine because I enlighten your day, similarly for me you  are my moonlight that makes my dark days more beautiful and bright. It is your light that helps me to see things clearly even in darkness, without you I will fall and hurt myself. I love you Mr. Abhimaan Rathode."

"I love you Mrs. Abhimaan Rathode", he shouted with so much joy that made me nearly deaf. Within second, he was revolving me around in air as if I were a little kid.

"You don't know sunshine how much this small confession of yours means to me. I can't tell you in words that how much happy you made me today by your simple words.", he put me back on my feet, his eyes started glancing at my eyes then my lips and back to my eyes and smiled a small smile. I stood on my toes and crashed my lips on his, making butterflies to erupt in the pit of my stomach. It was slow and warm in starting but soon turned to a heated and passionate one. I was out of breath so broke from the kiss, keeping my head on his chest and holding onto him tightly. I opened my eyes and saw him already staring at me.

"I want to make you mine today. Will you let me?", he asked with uncertainty. I smiled and pecked his lips lightly giving him my answer. He picked me up in a bridal form and laid gently on the bed, hovering over me he once again caught my lips in his. Moonlight seeping in through the window witnessed the rest of our love this night, the pure love of his sunshine and my moonlight.


This was the last chapter of this book, next will be the epilogue and then it will end.

Hope you guys liked the story so far and enjoyed the journey of our RuhAan.


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