New place, Old duty

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You gave me so many butterflies,

With those sparkling orbs eyes.


Ruh's POV:

One week. One freaking week passed and we were still not on talking terms. I mean I was not on talking terms but I was glad that he is giving me enough space that I never asked for but needed it. We have fixed daily routine- Meet on table for breakfast at 8.30, then go for our respective works by 9.00, I come back at around 10.00 or 11.00 or sometimes 12.00 but find him awake, sitting on sofa and working and just one sentence, "Come, I'll heat the dinner.", then sit with him and eat then he bids me good night but I don't reply, then head towards my room to sleep and wake up next morning for same thing to do. Like right now, it's 8.30 and I am heading towards the table to have my breakfast.

"Good morning Ruh.", Sarita aunty, our cook wished me. I met her the next day I came here. She is 55 and very humble. Her daughter is studying medical so she works here full day to meet the expense of her college.

"Good morning aunty.", I replied smiling and started moving towards table.

"Abhi has left early today. He said not to let you go without breakfast.", I heard her informing. I picked the newspaper lying on coffee table and sat on sofa. I was having my breakfast when my phone rung.

"Ma'am please come quickly to the central railway station. The police department found a body and-", I cut his call and immediately went out, without informing aunty about my departure, but messaged her as soon the car started moving.

I reached central railway station within 20 minutes because it was not far from the house. I made my way towards the crowd of officers when Shubham caught his pace with mine.

"Ma'am we found her here dead, lying behind the bush. She was ra**d and then murdered. Her parents are standing there.", he said pointing out towards a couple who were a crying mess. His father was controlling himself for the sake of his wife and a boy of around 10 years was standing beside them, silently. No tears in his eyes, no voice coming out from mouth. I first moved towards the body to see the condition.

"Ma'am she will be sent for postmortem in 5 minutes. Ambulance is on it's way.", someone informed me but I was quietly staring at the girl's body which lay there lifeless. Scenes from my past started moving in front of my eyes but somehow I bocked them and moved towards that little boy.

"What happened? Why are you silent?", I asked him sitting on my knees to match his height.

"I want to do something for my sister.", he said still looking towards his sister.

"What?", I asked confused what he was talking about. He looked towards me and with strong determination said those six words that left me shocked and amazed- "I want to become like you."

"Why you want to become like me?"

"So that I can stop these things and help my other sisters."

"Even I want to do the same but see, I failed.", I said still amazed by his courage.

"But I won't fail and help you in this.", he said now smiling a little with tears collected in the corner of his eyes. I too smiled at him and promised him to help him in every way possible.

"Ma'am her parent's said that it was some local goon. They took money from him and were unable to pay on time. He asked for their daughter but they denied to which he got angry and did this to her.", Shubham informed me when I moved a little away from that boy.

"Ok. Take the force and arrest him. Today itself.", I said moving towards my car. How I wish to stop all these things but can't. Mumbai is new place for me but my duty is old, my identity is old. I am an officer but still can't stop these things. Somehow I reduced them in Delhi but I guess I have to do something here too. If I can't stop then I at least can reduce them within my limits. I sat in the car and started thinking about my past. How I wish to remove those years from my life but can't. How I wish to share them with someone but can't come to trusting terms. I trusted him with all my heart and he took it's advantage. I jerked out of my reverie when the car stopped in front of police station. Shubham was already present there, beside him few officers were beating 2-3 men.

I moved inside and gestured Shubham to tell me about those men.

"Ma'am he they are one to r**e her.", my blood boiled seeing them and did what I wanted to do- punch him square on his jaw. Blood spilled out from the mouth of the one whom I punched as he fell on ground. I lifted him by his collars and pushed him on the desk causing it to break.

"You bastard. How dare you to touch her without her consent.", I shouted at him but he simply smiled. I so wanted to tell him about her family's consent but decided otherwise because it will only add to the satisfaction of this maniac. I passed him to the officer and walked out from there. I wanted to cool my temper so decide to walk back home.

I was at home by 1.30 a.m., after a walk back home and spending some time at Juhu. Abhimaan was sitting on sofa as usual but head dropped on his left shoulder. He must have slept waiting for me. I went near him and saw his sleeping like a baby with his specs on and laptop lying carelessly on his lap. I removed his specs, but it disturbed his sleep. He opened hi eyes and stared into mine with same unreadable emotions. At that moment I noticed how close we were, I guess he too noticed our proximity.

"Uh, you came. I-I'll go an-and warm the din-dinner.", he stuttered and went in kitchen to warm the dinner. We had our dinner and went to our respected rooms to catch some sleep.


How was it?

 I guess I poured my thoughts in it about how I feel should be the thought of everyone related to these sort of happenings.

Anyways, Ruh will soon get to know about those unreadable emotions in Abhi's eyes.

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