Three Magical Words!

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I feel you everywhere

I look for you in everything.


Abhimaan's POV:

Fear! That is what I was feeling since the time I opened my eyes. My guts told me that something bad was going to take place. Not even a day passed since our arrival and already I was enveloped by some unsettling fear. Ruh was wide awake, sitting on the couch and reading some magazine. She found me staring at her and smiled, I too gave her a smile and got out of bed. 

"I'll get something for us then we'll go out for tour.", I informed her once I came out of the bathroom. She nodded her head and got back to her reading. I was almost near the door when she stopped me.

"Maan please let's not go out today. I am not feeling good and also it's freezing outside. Let's have our breakfast then we'll see what to do next.", I nodded my head and went out to bring breakfast for us. Yes I could have ordered in room itself but I somehow felt of going myself to bring it.


Ruh's POV:

Something was not right, I had this feeling since the time Maan went out. It has already been an hour and he is yet not back. I tried calling him on his number but it was switched off, it made me more uneasy because he never switches his phone off. Maybe it got discharged and he must have not got breakfast due to delay in his order. I once again focused myself on the magazine in my hands. I was on the very same line from last 10 minutes, I was unable to focus on it because the more time Maan was taking, more tensed I grew. I finally changed into a random top and jeans and went out to check why he was taking so much time. I was almost near the cafeteria of the hotel when I heard some sounds coming from a room in secluded area. I turned towards that direction to see what was this sound. Not wanting to gain any attention, I peeped in through a hole on the door. It was dark inside to see anything so I slowly turned open the knob and went in. I felt not-so-good vibes but anyways continued to follow the source of sound. It felt like someone was talking but I couldn't hear second voice, only one voice was audible. I being a curious one peeped behind the boxes to see who was there. The scene in front of me made ground slip from under my feet, I kept staring at the scene being unfolded in front of my eyes with wide- eyes, my throat, all of a sudden, went dry and I couldn't find my voice. There Maan was sitting on a wooden chair, his chest was on full display and that same receptionist saying incoherent words in his ears and roaming her filthy hands on his chest. That's when I noticed Maan, his eyes were closed and body was immobilised and I knew this girl must have made Maan unconscious and brought him here. Adrenaline took control of my body and I three long strides, I was near that girl with her hairs in my fist and slapped her hard across her face. I kicked her on her stomach to which she growled and fell on floor clutching it. I bent over her, keeping her face in position for me to get the clear view.

"Listen you bitch, I am not some random person who likes to get involved in any fight with whores like you but I surely don't leave something which is mine and over here it's about my husband so how can you even think I'll let you take what's mine. You'll pay for it.", I immediately called for the hotel staff and made sure she gets fired. After dealing with her, I sprinkled water on Maan's face, brought by a servant, which made him come back to his senses. He slowly opened his eyelids and stared at me, then looking all around he sighed. He must have noticed that he wasn't wearing anything because in seconds his eyes went wide like soccer ball. He again looked in my direction but I kept a straight face not giving away any information as to what happened. I helped him get up and took him back to the room. I noticed that there was a small cut near his lips which made my blood to boil. I made him sit on the bed then went to take out the first aid kit.

"I am sorry Ruh. I don't know what happened. Last thing I know before blacking out was that someone put cloth on my nose. I really don't know anything, please believe me.", he started saying, roaming behind me as I went to take out shirt for him.

"Will you just shut the fuck up Abhimaan?", I hissed, tossing the t- shirt to him and making my way back to bed, pulling him along with me.

"But you are thinking I went there willingly."

"How can you say I am thinking this. Are you any mind reader?", I made him sit on the bed and took out an ointment to apply on his wound to stop any sort of infection.

"No- Ahh- but- Ahh- it's hurting sunshine, please be little merciful.", he said when I pushed the cotton forcefully on his wound. I glared him then got back to his wound.

"Good it must hurt because what you just said hurted even me.", I closed the first aid box and went to keep it back.

"What hurted you sunshine? What did I say?"

"That I doubt you, that I think you went there willingly.", I stated coming back to him and kneeling in front of him on the ground. I took his hands in mine and kept staring at our intertwined fingers.

"Listen Maan and listen very carefully because I don't like to repeat.", he kept staring at me silently. I don't know what made me say this but I did, I said those word that I never imagined I will ever say to anyone. Something bigger than word 'sorry'.

"I trust you, Maan."


So, dear readers, what were the three magical words you thought? *wink- wink*

Keep reading and till that time I'll proceed towards the end of this book.

Yeah, it's going to get over soon. I'll miss #RuhAan. *teary face*

Yeahh!! Double update.

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