Meet Abhimaan Rathode

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Before you judge me,

Make sure you are perfect!


Sunrise Group of Hotels


Abhimaan's POV:

"Good morning sir."

"Good morning Shri. Brief me about today's schedule." I addressed my PA, Shri, while heading towards my cabin.

Hi! I am Abhimaan Rathode, 28 years old CEO of Sunrise Group of Hotels with no nonsense aura, as quoted by my staff.

"Sir, at 9 you have meeting with Mr.Jain for collaboration of their company with ours. Then you have meeting over lunch with our Board of Directors. Then you have-"

"Ok, continue with this when I call you. I have to make a call right now.", I said as I settled myself on my chair.

After Shri left, I fished out my phone from my suit's pocket and dialled the number of one of my favourite person-

"Hey buddy!"

The voice was so loud that I have to distant the phone to save my eardrums from getting damaged.

"Hey Rohan, why so excited?"

"Guess!", he said with full excitement.

"Tell!". I replied equally bored.





"Ok, ok, listen! I am going to see a girl for my marriage tomorrow."

"WHAT!", I asked flabbergasted. "From when did Rohan Malhotra started getting excited for all these marriage stuffs?"

"Oh thank God they left. Ok, listen, no I am not excited but am just a good actor who was acting all excited infront of his parents. They are hell bent on getting me married. You know why?"

"No, I don't want to know.", I deadpanned, but no how can he shut up-

"Beacause I am getting old. Cn you believe this?"

"Hmm, so just tell me how can I help you with this?"

"Please just come to Delhi tomorrow by noon. We'll go at 5 in the evening."

"Ok, calm down. I'll be there on time. Bye."

"Abhi, what would have I done without you? Bye.", with that said I disconnected the call.

I was engrosed in my work when my PA entered with a bright smile plastered on his face.

"Sir, we found this orphanage who needs a sponsor."

Immediately my face too lit up hearing this news because we were searching for some organisation which we can sponsor, more like I can sponsor. We have been searching for one from last 5 months, but whenever we got any address were either fake or didn't want any sponsorship. 

I may sound like a desperate person because I was one. I wanted to sponsor atleast one organisation under my name because my father already has 30 organisations under his name. I was taken out of my reverie by my PA-

"But sir, the organisation is in Delhi."

"Whether in Delhi or America, I don't care as long as it needs a sponsor. What's it's name?"

"Little Blossoms Orphanage"

"Ok, book my tickets for tomorrow."

"Yes sir.", with that said he left.

After few minutes my phone pinnged with my boarding details to Delhi.

Delhi here I come.

With that thought I left for my penthoue to pack my bags for tomorrow.

Little did he know that his life will take a turn tomorrow.


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