06. Crash site

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The Hallways were a wreak but it looked like it was a recent thing wires were hanging out with plating of different shapes and sizes everywhere some of them had claw marks right through some of them hearing a noise Kyle pushed Yokoi back to the wall placing his finger to his own lips to say be quiet before the two continued on looking into one of the room Kyle saw random contraptions that didn't make sense to what they could do continuing on they found some full of parts and another full of skulls not all human some were oddly shaped some still had blood on them this almost made Yokoi hurl again but luckily he didn't

Kyle: (low whisper) we need to be quite I think there's more on this ship

Yokoi nodded while Kyle hoped he was wrong about the other creatures but he didn't want to take chances pulling out his dull knife the two continued till something ran on the floor above them scaring Yokoi into grabbing Kyle's arm Kyle knew Yokoi couldn't even handle a horror game so this would be the worst thing for him the design of the ship was something Kyle had been thinking about since they got into the ship it was something he had seen before but couldn't remember where the running above them started again like someone was chasing something before it stopped above them Kyle covered Yokoi's mouth before two blades were shoved threw the metal dripping with grey blood before they retracted there were a few noises that sounded horrible coming from down the hall Yokoi wanted to leave but Kyle wanted to know what it was

When they looked in they saw a creature with dreadlocks and mandibles unsure what it was Kyle knew he hated the dreadlocks the lizard like skin was a bit off putting for Yokoi even if it was a little humanoid knowing it was an alien the two looked at it till they heard someone walking down the hall the two hid behind a few metal plates that were leaning against the wall hoping to not be spot as another creature walked in looking more darker than the other one he pressed a button or two before the one tied down started to scream as the other seemed amused with what he was doing Yokoi had to cover his ears the two had to wait a few hours before the creature left the two got out of their hiding spot to look at the creature again the other creature had been wearing a red cloak while this one only had a loin clothe on Kyle started to turn as Yokoi walked over to it worried about what could happen to it

Kyle: what the hell are you doing Yokoi: we can't leave them here Kyle: ya we can Yokoi: no we can't Kyle: he's the one that killed your friends shouldn't you be condemning him Yokoi: I don't think this one was the one that did it Kyle: and why is that Yokoi: well for starters it seemed more hurt than that other one meaning it got hurt in that fight we couldn't see Kyle: ya doesn't mean he didn't do it Yokoi: ok it's a gut feeling ok I know this one didn't do it and I need help to get it out as it's bigger than me

Kyle thought about it for a second pondering all the things that could go wrong

Kyle: fine but I'm telling you now if we get killed I'm haunting you for eternity Yokoi: thank you

Even if he was heavy the two were able to haul the creature along sticking to the walls not wanting to stick around for long having a feeling that the other creature was going to return soon once out the two continued to the destroyed campsite placing the creature on the ground using one of the packs to elevate its head

Yokoi: where's the first aid kit Kyle: your going to try and heal it Yokoi: of course I don't want it to die so where is it Kyle: Rose's bag in the tent with the stick sticking out of it Yokoi: thank you

Yokoi walked off to get the kit and helped the creature with Kyle moving him when needed even if he didn't want to

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