03. Six Sense

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That very night the group was up chatting around the campfire, but to Kyle something felt very wrong like they were being watched he tried to drop it but all the hairs on the back of his neck like static was being directed towards him Kyle kept looking around the area wondering what was giving him the feeling but couldn't spot anything he walked over to a spot wanting to have a better look

Harry: hey dude are you doing ok Kyle: ya I'm fine just a weird feeling but it's probably just my mind playing tricks on me Harry: ya know since we're in Australia you definitely don't have to worry about anything but spiders and snakes attacking us but right now it's winter so there is no creatures out right now so nothing can happen to us Kyle: ya it's just a feeling that someone is watching us like you said nothing to worry about it's just been there since we got to this campsite Harry: it probably just paranoia since this is new that your not on a mission Kyle: I never get paranoid about anything tho

Harry just grunted and stomped off annoyed with Kyle and the way he thinks he thought about what he was doing if Harry was right about him after all that had happened to him remembering the newspaper about people going missing in this forest Kyle thought on it for was seconds but the thought lingered for a few hours before Yokoi walked up to him

Yokoi: hey Kyle how are you feeling Kyle: oh I'm feeling fine Yokoi: Harry told me about this feeling you're having that someone is watching us he also told me what you said between you two Kyle: ya I don't know if he was right or if he was wrong about it all I mean he could be right Yokoi: I mean the missions you barely had time off I'm guessing this is your mind just reacting to this as another mission Kyle: my first time off in like twenty years Yokoi: wait twenty dam you probably have enough holiday pay for a year Kyle: no just about a year and four months Yokoi: oh ok well I mean you kind of deserve it Kyle: ya... Yokoi: if you want you could think of this as a mission Kyle: really? Yokoi: I mean the mission could be to keep these guys alive without being a jerk Kyle: I mean sometimes that happens when some people do a rescue mission I'm sure I can do that

The two laughed as Yokoi walked back smiling knowing that his friend was fine but for Kyle the feeling was something that told him they needed to get out of there to run and hide soon after Kyle walked back and tried to sleep in his tent he couldn't sleep with the feeling his commander once told him that if he felt like he was being watched then they were probably right staying up some of the night before having a little sleep once morning rolled around everyone got up and started to eat breakfast but Kyle noticed they were two short

Kyle: do you guys know where Harry and Karen have gone there not in there tent Ruby: maybe they went to the toilet together Linda: no Karen hates Harry because of their college years together so I don't think they would have done that or anything else Rory: well I heard someone get up and leave last night though it did sound odd as it didn't sound like boots it sounded a little bigger Rose: well we can't leave them out there Kyle: ya that is why we're going to split up into pairs and go in different directions when the sun is directly above us then we start walking back here and say if we found anything

Everyone paired up and left spending half the day going out before returning with nothing Ruby found a bone that was fit to be a human bone but it looked like it was out there for a year before she stumbled across it Yokoi looked at Kyle worried Kyle thought he would need to head out alone and see what he can find

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