11. Rest

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The day passed quickly for Kyle sleeping a lot catching up on the sleep he had lost when he was in the military the only other thing Kyle could do in the time was think when it was a day Kyle just stared at the ceiling thinking about the number of people that had died under his protection unsure if he should be the one alive Kyle may not have known what the date was on earth but he knew that may not matter anymore the Yautja walked in holding a tube with some lights on the end while he looked at a screen he held it over Kyle's body as he just looked at it the Yautja looked at his screen for a while looking at Kyle before he got up and did something above him the Yautja thought about what Kyle had done knowing which Ic'jit it was and what it had done surprised it didn't snap the Ooman like a twig the Yautja sat down again

???: ok so your fine your bones have healed Kyle: so this delta place it's your home right ???: no it's where I live now but I used to live on Yautja prime it is an ok place to grow up on Kyle: wait question why can I now understand you when you first spoke all I heard were clicking noises and I didn't know how to understand that but now you're talking in English ???: actually I'm talking like I was but thanks to the a new device in your head that translates we can understand each other right now I hear you talking in my language but you can hear me speak in your language but not all words are able to be translated as that's still being worked on if you want to read someone's mouth

Kyle looked at the Yautja's mouth seeing it wasn't moving much Kyle just looked at him confused knowing what he was saying was true thinking about how their language works Kyle just laid there

Kyle: so when do we get to this delta place and will I be able to use another ship to return home ???: once we get their you won't be able to leave as your new to the planet and another species and the tribe may have a rule you'll either be abandoned, be taught the ways or become a slave as my people need some work to help them that's until the new leader arises and takes the old one down Kyle: and you knew all this before you brought me along

The Yautja didn't speak for a few minutes as if he was thinking about his choice contemplating on what to say next to Kyle he wasn't liking how long it took the Yautja to come up with something to say

???: yes so I have given you access to some of the ship you won't be able to go anywhere critical as that is just law the ships computer will tell you if you're not allowed somewhere

In a few seconds the Yautja left almost like he was anxious about something Kyle was able to get off the bed as the machine above him stopped walking around holding the white sheet covering him as he left the room seeing most of the walls were a dark colour hearing a very low hum from the engines Kyle walked off to the left finding a sort of locker room Kyle pressed his hand against a pad on the wall opening up to find some clothes or at least something he could use as clothes wrapping something around his body before continuing to walk the ship finding the Yautja in a room eating sitting at a table Kyle sat in front of it

Kyle: so what should I call you exactly because I don't feel that comfortable calling you by your species name Ua'sa: you can call me Ua'sa Kyle: well Ua'sa I'm Kyle Rogers son of Steven Rogers Ua'sa: my father is Cahra and he is Thei-de Kyle: I'm sorry to hear that Ua'sa: he's not dead he's just not in my life Kyle: so what does this delta place look like Ua'sa: oh I don't want to give anything away as I want you to judge for yourself Kyle: thank you?

Talking with an alien was a bit different for Kyle but didn't act any different

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