19. Training

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The two went over basic training every two months as a refresh to make sure Kyle remembered and he did being easily able to take Ua'sa down with the basics each time having figured out how to take down each move with another one but each day there would be more Yautja watching getting Kyle to worry about it but Ua'sa would reassure that nothing was wrong that the others wanted to see how he fights Kyle would learn that some Yautja had trouble with the old ways most wanted to change them make it better for the way they want to live but thanks to those ideas there is a war against those Yautja Kyle thought about how possible it could be since he had read all the laws and rules of the clan most of them being basic laws Kyle started to think about one thing that popped in his head while listening to them talk about a runaway Kyle's mind pondered on what the Ic'jit said to him if it could be true or if he was lying about it all if the clan leader was now a Ic'jit think it was impossible Kyle tried to drop it but couldn't stop thinking of the corrupt leaders back on earth and how they got in it stayed with him into the days training and was knocked over by Ua'sa, Ua'sa looked at Kyle oddly

Ua'sa: what's wrong you seem distracted Kyle: oh it's nothing Ua'sa: I know there is something on your mind we have been working together for a year now I can tell when something is bugging you Kyle: let's finish training then I'll tell you

Ua'sa got off Kyle realising something he said they finished up and Ua'sa wanted to hit the waterfall wanting to clean himself alone the two got back to the palace stopping near the steps not seeing anyone around

Kyle: you remember on my first day here how your father was attacked by an Ic'jit Ua'sa: yes Kyle: well when I had the Ic'jit at gun point they told me something and I'm not sure if they were telling the truth even if I want to believe it's a lie but I know that anyone can be bad Ua'sa: what did they tell you Kyle: that your father did something that was dishonorable in the eyes of the Yautja Ua'sa: I don't believe it Kyle: I don't know if it's true but it's just what they told me Ua'sa: not that it's just I had a feeling he did something bad before he changed in a short amount of time it was like he did something he regrated I don't know what though but this feeling has stuck with me for so long since I was a youngling a few weeks before my mom left

Kyle thought for a second about what Ua'sa said before looking at him having come up with something horrible

Ua'sa: so did she tell you exactly what it was Kyle: no she didn't I think she was going to but that's when the other ones got there and almost arrested me Ua'sa: right of course that's how it went down well then come on

Ua'sa got up and started to walk

Kyle: what where are we heading Ua'sa: back to my room I need to check something out and that's the best place to do it for me Kyle: right

The two started to walk back to Ua'sa's room thinking about what they could find out and if there are any problems or any changes once in the room Ua'sa walked over to one of the blank walls touching it before a screen loaded up Kyle smiled but before Ua'sa started Kyle touched his hand

Kyle: you might want to leave a trail like false areas of where you accessed this stuff from Ua'sa: good idea

Ua'sa started to work after leaving a trail finding that the Ic'jit was left in a cell and would be transferred after that they left the room to see if they could talk to her before running into her

Ic'jit: we need to talk Ua'sa: so now you want to talk with such dishonour after you tried to kill my father Ic'jit: your father is why I am what I am all because I found out something Ua'sa: what did you find out Ic'jit: I watched him instruct others to sprinkle something on the food they made each month he gives them a new supply Kyle: do you know anything else Ic'jit: I don't know but I did watch him kill innocent yautja Ua'sa: wait what

The hunter of hellजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें