07. Injured creature

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Kyle was looking at the creature as Yokoi had been busy with something else worried about what it would do when it awoke but he didn't have to worry for long as the creature jumped Kyle pushing him to the ground using it's hands to choke Kyle Yokoi ran out trying to get the creature off Kyle but he couldn't do much while Kyles mind flashed back to the past going to the biggest mistake of his life it was a mission that happened thirteen months before the camping trip Kyle had been flying in on a helicopter with his Commander and another

There mission was to take down a woman that had been wanted in 195 states the intel wasn't much but the one thing they knew for sure was that she was in a house in the middle of the desert the two squads had most of the worlds to back them up on what they were doing Kyle had been worried about this mission since there was no other intel like what she had to defend herself the helicopter had landed the team a few miles away from the target's house

Commander: alright team you are comprised of the very best in any military does everyone remember the mission Kyle: to take down the target at all costs sir Commander: ok the plan is that Private Kyle along with private jimmy and I will go in from the back and the rest of you will be a distraction from the front but once we're in you clear the site got it All: sir yes sir

Everyone cleared the helicopter as Kyle followed the commander behind back of the site Kyle had a bad feeling about how this was going to go once the distraction was in position someone on the radio asked why we didn't bomb the site from the sky Kyle started to wonder why they didn't do that before the commander made up something about needing to know if the target was actually dead this didn't hang right with Kyle as they went in as Kyle and Jimmy checked the rooms

The house wasn't so big so there weren't many rooms but as Kyle checked the Kitchen he heard gun fire running out of the room he was shot looking around he saw it came from his Commander as he smiled before he laughed as a lady walked out and kissed him Kyle gave a face of shock seeing his commander work with an enemy he got the team to try and attack the house Kyle tried to warn them but the lady grabbed his hand and shoved a knife in it getting a scream from him as the area in front of the house blew up Kyle shut his eyes tight before pulling out his standard pistol and shot his commander in the head before the lady kicked it out of his hand

Kyle ripped out the knife and got up ready to fight this woman she pulled out a katana Kyle looked at her before he threw the knife piercing her heart she looked at him as she dropped the sword she smiled as she pulled out a box holding it tight Kyle tried his best to run out of the house back into the forest as the house blew Kyle grabbed his radio calling back the chopper before he passed out when he came through he found himself in a bed unsure what had happened before a doctor walked in looking at him a little shocked

Kyle: hello um what happened Doctor: um well you have been out for a month and your entire team is dead Kyle: what?... oh... right it was a trap Doctor: what Kyle: the whole thing it was a trap my commander was working with the target Doctor: explains why she always knew what we were going to do

Kyle tried to get up but fell being told that he needed to work up his leg strength to be able to walk again he got blamed for the mission and how it turned out but it didn't fully stick a few months later Yokoi had started to talk about a camp Kyle thought he should go on it as a way to test his endurance and if he would be able to do what he used to

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