17. Lessons

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The next few days would be long for Kyle finding himself reading things a lot mostly on enemies of the Yautja but was reading on the plant lift on the planet he was finding one could literally set a stomach on fire having learned about many thing as Ua'sa doesn't like to eat the pre-done food by the rest of the Yautja something to do with the taste or a reaction he hunts his own food and cooks it all himself mostly from plants so Kyle thought it would be good to know about them himself so he doesn't kill himself when he eventually goes out hunting with Ua'sa in the future as Ua'sa hunts a lot in the right way not the human way as they use blades to kill their prey or traps looking at a tablet Ua'sa gave Kyle finding an article on a flower that looked like a person on a stick finding it a little creepy he flipped to the next file seeing one that looked a little like a fish on fire

'God's influence. This plant can put a Yautja into a state where he/she will do whatever they are told they can be forced into doing dishonourable things for example killing others in the same clan or transporting an Ic'jit from the list of things that a influenced Yautja it targets a spot in the brain making their brain more susceptible to anyone even if they are hated the way this substance is most seen is as a liquid in the open they are encased in a berry that is of a white colour there are very little known treatments for this the only known treatment is of "Auna Amutas" in the next chapter you can read about this substance'

Kyle: well looks like this one could do a bit of damage to a lot of people back home I mean it would tear whole countries apart getting other people to do the wrong thing they shouldn't know they could take advantage of it, I mean many others would like to control someone

Kyle scrolled through a few more pages wanting to know about 'Auna Amutas'

'Auna Amutas is a compound that is made from a plant or can be artificially made with a few chemicals, this plant can counter the effects of 'god's influence' which would have been learned about in a past lesson it stops the effect it has on the brain but does it in a way that so painful only Yautja could survive if it was injected into another creature their brain would be overwhelmed starting with hallucinations while targeting the visual centres of the brain making that spot swell up and burst near the end the creature would be in immense pain compared to most creatures Yautja have higher brain capacity and are more complex than those of the rest of the universe so they are not affected Auna Amutas would leave their systems faster than any other creature as their body can go through more energy within a day than any other known creature in the universe'

Kyle: well this is going to be a difficult planet to survive on when most plants can kill ya if not done right just like home

Kyle wanted to continue reading but had to stop as someone knocked on the door Kyle opened the door to see a female Yautja holding a basket smiling like a crazy person she bowed Kyle returned the gestor

???: hello, I am here to give you this so you would be able to help with your master's personal problem Kyle: what personal problem ???: all Yautja go through it so don't worry about it Kyle: um thank you

Kyle took the basket from the lady's hands closing the door after she left thinking that she looked kind of like a robot when she walked taking a look in the basket to see a few small bottles and boxes Ua'sa came back later in the day that seemed like he was drunk knowing whoever he met must have had a time Kyle moved his "Master" to the bed laying him down knowing that he would be having a hangover the next day the next morning Ua'sa got Kyle to help him in the waterfall using one of the bottles to clean him the only thing the both of them were wearing were loin cloths under the waterfall of a nearby lake helping each other each day the two learned about each other very well doing training where they could

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