23. Realization

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After locking the door, the two went back to Ua'sa's room Kyle thought about how that went thinking that it was a little difficult how the guards were still under his control

Ua'sa: sorry about the throwing you across the room thing Kyle: it's fine I mean it was a part of the plan I wanted it to happen that way thinking back on it I was basically asking for it Ua'sa: you know I didn't mean to hurt you like that Kyle: ya I do and I didn't mean to toy with you like that Ua'sa: it's ok I mean it was part of the plan right Kyle: I think we should wait a few weeks before we tell the clan that your father did what he did Ua'sa: that's probably for the best as that can end a bit hellish or we can pack up take a ship and leave the planet Kyle: I mean that does sound good but these Yautja should know what happened to them for a while I mean at least they should know I mean how many years was your father in charge Ua'sa: fifty three years ya they should know Kyle: wait fifty three how old does that make you Ua'sa: almost thirty-nine Kyle: wow... anyway since we destroyed his plant farm there won't be any more of that and it had been said that there was only a few of them left Ua'sa: I'll tell them how to know the difference between the plant and the rest of the plants on this planet Kyle: right

Kyle had a hard time standing in the same room as Ua'sa not because of what happened but he always smiled around him Ua'sa went to go have a clean and Kyle walked up to the top balcony of the pyramid taking a seat thinking about how the clan is now free but his thoughts travelled back to one thing Ua'sa

Kyle: why do I keep doing that I mean he kidnapped you, you shouldn't be like this I mean you did kill one of his kind it could be Stockholm syndrome it does happen but I am a trained soldier of the military well I am an ex-soldier they now think I'm dead but it has been over a year since I left earth it could be possible that I have it I mean I would be here for another few years now and that female Yautja said she was going to bring others to help

In that moment Kyle jumped up running down the pyramid to the cells hoping he was wrong when he got down his thoughts were confirmed as Ua'sa's father was gone door open running out Kyle hoped he could catch him but he knew it was too late as it had been a few hours since they threw him in there now he knows about the vaccine he won't try again here walking back in Kyle looked at the guards as they started to hold their head shaking them in a few moments Kyle realised that it was wearing off for them the guards pointed spears at Kyle and he just put his hands up before speaking in their language asking to go to their leader smiling at them as one Yautja walked into the hallway and Kyle followed into a room as the guard talked to another Yautja the Yautja looked at him

The'saal: Greetings Ooman I am Tha'saal leader of this clan now would you be able to tell me how one such as yourself got to this planet Kyle: right you don't remember the last fifty or so years so I'll make this short you were all brainwashed into serving this one Yautja but after a year of me being here I stopped it with another Yautja that was allergic to the plant he used to control you but you don't have to worry about that plant as you all have had a medicine that fights against the aspects of that one plant The'saal: right I'm guessing that is the Yautja we found in one of the rooms Kyle: ya that would be him I can give you my word he won't be a problem as we were planning on leaving after we told you what happened The'saal: I can tell you have been trained in our ways Kyle: I have I know about your code and I will respect that but the one you were forced to help is still out there and I want to go after the Ic'jit with that Yautja you found

The'saal looked down like he was thinking

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