i swear mateo is literally leo's fucking dog, like leo could throw a toy in the pool and he would go get it. go get it dog, or maybe goldfish is better? nah i like dog, why am i talking so much about this. i swear barbie bitch is getting to me

i laid down and aundre gave me a hug while mattia gave me a kiss on the forehead.

when he finds out who she will he stay with her?

does he really think im a slut?

luckily we get a day off of school tomorrow so i dont have to worry about getting up early.

i tried to silence my thoughts by listening to some soft music because it eventually help me be brought into a deep sleep.


"bella wake up, bella wake up, bella wake up," as you can guess this is how i woke up. i wanted to punch this person right in the balls but im felling kinda nice right now.

"whattt," i grouned as i pulled the covers over my head, "we are going to the beach!!!," someone yelled. enzo. i quickly jumped out of my bed and ran right to the closet. I haven't been to the beach sense my mother died.

i remember we used to go their all the time when we were a happy family. happy family. somthing that may be normal for some people but the opposite of another. i though i had a happy family but barbie bitch came and ruined any chances of that.

I put on a cute neon green bakini and a white coverup and made my way downstairs where aundre, riccardo, and enzo were waiting, "you ready?" they asked me which i quickly replied happily with a 'yes'.

we all made our way out the door. you might be wondering 'dont you live on the beach' technachly no we live on water which is very shallow but we dont have a beach really.

we all hopped into the car and blasted music until we got their which was about a 5 minute drive. see moments like these i wish i could have all the time. but unfortanaly life isn't all bupperflies and rainbows.

once we pulled up all the boys sprinted to the water, although i dont know how because they were all holding eaither a boogie board or surf board, "bella hurry up!" riccardo yelled back at me.

sorry that i dont have mile long legs.

i met the by the water and they quickly jumped in, i slowly took my cover up off, although my bruises were all gone i was still scared. they all of course had six packs. gym freaks.

once my feet hit the water i automatically smiled, i missed this relaxing feeling. i saw aundre on his surf board and he was paddling off into the distance, "here bella," enzo said while handing me a boogie board, i gave him a questioning look, "dont worry ill help you," he reassured me.

luckily the beach was pretty empty so if i did end up humiliating myself no one would see, except for my brothers. i propped my body so my stomach was on the boogie board and all of a sudden i bit wake hit and sent me across the top of the wave.

this is how the rest of the day went. us all messing around and having fun. sadly after a few hours we had to take the very dreaded drive home, we still listened to the music but the air felt more tense knowing i would have to be met with my other brothers when i got back.

but it can wait a bit longer because when we got home a quickly made my way upstairs to shower, and then walk around a bit, oh wow i have never seen this before!

in all you can tell i dont want to go downstairs, will leo be down their? probably not but why would i take that risk im not crazy.

well maybe i am just a little.


we were now all sitting in awkward silence in kitchen, before you ask yes i ended up coming down here because everyone was here and i felt left out i dreading the idea right now so dont bring it up, "bella im sorr-

"oh well you look at the time we getter get going!" i interrupted while getting up from my seat. did i know where i was going? well no, wait yes im going to explore the backyard!

"where are you going?" matteo yelled, "backyard," i yelled back.

i opened the door leading to the backyard and stepped outside, i started walking to all the trees. nature is so valuable you only have one earth and we are treading it so bad.

also climate change is a big issue that we need to figure out. when im older i would love to be a public speaker to inform people about real world issues that we can try to solve.

i walk over in the forest of plamtrees looking at each one like it was a work of art.

palm trees are so cool to me, they just make me so happy when i look at them and its making all my worries go away. i took a seat right by the waters edge because it was on the ocean you could see the sandy bottom with cute little fish swimming around.

i saw a dolphin jump in the distance which brought a big genuine smile onto my face.

i took a breath in sucking in the beauty of the ocean, right now i wasn't thinking about anything. i just felt like all my worries drifted away. i know they would return but im hoping it will take a little longer than what i want it to.

just a little.


hope all is well!

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