My eyes immediately searched for Snape and once we locked eyes I could see a slight concern in his eyes as well. "Not really." was all I said. 

"Do not lie to me!" Voldemort screamed as I was shoved forward by Bellatrix causing me to fall to the ground in front of him. I saw Draco flinch slightly but being held back unnoticeably by his mother who looked confused at his actions. 

"I've not spoken to him this year! We fell apart after Sirius's death!" I screamed back glaring at Bellatrix at my last words. 

I could see rage build up in Voldemort's eyes "Very well then, don't make the same mistake as your mother." Voldemort spat pointing his wand at me for a couple of seconds. "Go!" Voldemort instructed and I saw as a couple of death eaters disappeared from their spots. "Burn the place if you have to!" Voldemort screamed just before the last few death eaters left. 

"Where are they going?" I asked cautiously. 

Voldemort laughed "We found Potter, he and his blood traitor friends will be getting a heartwarming Christmas present from me." He laughed again. 

I turned back to look at Snape but he was too good at maintaining a straight face "Please no-" I started before I felt a blow to my face. Voldemort had scratched me across the face. 

"Shut up! Do as your told or your parents will suffer the consequences. Now go away!" He screamed. 

I quickly got up and place my hand over my cheek where I could feel some blood trickling down. Snape, Draco, and I stepped out of the front door, and as soon as the door shut Draco rushed to my side. 

"Why can't you just stay quiet!" He asked me angrily. I ignored him and ran up to catch up with Snape who was a few feet in front of us. 

"We have to warn them, they're all there, Remus and Tonks-" I began telling him feeling nothing but worry. 

"Be quiet!" That was all he muttered before we were outside the gates. 

We apparated back to Hogwarts and as we walked back to the castle Draco was using his wand to heal my scratches. I couldn't focus on anything my mind purely on what was going down at the burrow if anyone was dead. The feeling of uselessness was killing me. 

Once we were inside the castle I made my way back to the Gryffindor Common room completely ignoring Draco's calls for me. I paced back and forth in my room, which luckily was occupied only by me for now, thinking of a way to help even though I knew it would be too late already. 


I stayed awake all night thinking about the Weasleys, Harry, Remus, Tonks, and the burrow just hoping they were all ok. I decided I'd had enough waiting so I got up and cleaned myself up quickly then made my way to Snape's office. I barged in not bothering to knock. 

"I need to know what happened, I need to know if they're ok," I asked Snape with urgency in my voice. 

I could see Snape was bothered by my entrance but decided not to mention it "The burrow was burned to ashes" I gasped "But everyone managed to get out, They're all fine Miss y/l/n. If that weren't the case I would have let you know immediately." He added. I sighed in relief. 

"Where will they go?" I asked waiting for more answers. 

"That I do not know, now I would appreciate it if you left my office I have other matters to attend to." Snape ushered me out. 

I ran back to my dorm room and decided to write the Weasleys and Harry a letter. 

Dear Family, 

Snape told me about the attack last night. I am terribly sorry for the fire, I wish I could have been there to help. As I'd told Harry and Ron my house is currently empty and it will be for a while given that my parents have decided to extend their holidays. I've asked for their permission and we wanted to invite you to stay at our house for as long as you'd like. There is plenty of space and Ginny can have my room. I won't take no for an answer. Attached to the letter is a spare key to the back door. Feel free to use as many protective spells as you wish. Once more I'm terribly sorry and hope you're all alright. 

Love y/n.  

I couldn't help but feel responsible for what had happened to the burrow and felt that this would be the least I could do given the fact that my house was practically abandoned now and this would be a good use for it. Not many hours later I received a letter with a large box accompanying it. 

Dearest y/n, 

We thank you dearly for offering us your home, we will in fact dare to take you up on it. We're all alright just a little shook from the events. Once again we can't thank you enough for your kindness and we hope to see you soon for a proper thank you. Merry Christmas dear, we've sent a present for you from us all.  

All our love, 
the Weasley's. 

Given the kindness and love emitted from the letter, I knew instantly Molly had written back. And once I opened the box and found a knitted sweater with my initial on it my suspicions were confirmed. I felt a little relief they had in fact accepted the offer feeling a little less useless than I did the night before. I now more than ever wanted nothing more than to be done with the task at hand so I made my way over to the room of requirements to continue working on the vanishing cabinet skipping breakfast. 

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