Chapter 21: Red Vipers!

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(Mature Language 18+)

"Dolcezza, stop munching so loudly. I am trying to think here." Erasto said politely trying his level best not to yell at his pretty wife who had been munching on the 'cream cheese potato chips' for the past 15 minutes.

He would have definitely asked her to take rest instead of participating here but he didn't. Considering this was all related to Elisa, Cici was the first one to enter this room and wait for the meeting to start. And why not? She is the mother. And when someone troubles a mother's baby, she won't sit quiet.

"Sorry! But 'my' baby is hungry. I can't help it." Cici replied back softly shrugging her shoulders and stuffed her cute mouth with another delicious chip while he blinked his eyes at her for a few seconds trying to weigh his next set of words.

Lately, he had to weigh his words extremely well especially when it came to her and her food preferences. She was more on the crying side and it made him uncomfortable. Not that he couldn't handle a crying Cici but because he loved her so much and couldn't see her shedding those nasty tears.

Thus, he tried his level best not to give her a reason to cry.

"How about you try some soft fruits?" He suggested passing a super wide smile revealing his pearly white perfect set of teeth while she tilted her head a little saying, "But, he told me that he was in mood for the chips today."

Of course those sparkling eyes that held a tinge of innocence and tons of naughtiness got his heart speed up like a crazy horse. Even before he could say something, Alessandro decided to give his 'unnecessary' inputs which of course irked him to no end, "Fruits? Ewww! No figlio! Chips are so tasty. Isn't it darling?"

As Cici giggled and nodded her head passing the chips packet to her father-in-law, Erasto glared at his father muttering, "Questo vecchio sarà il motivo principale tra i nostri litigi 'marito-moglie' in futuro." (This old man will be the main reason between our 'husband-wife' fights in future.)

Knowing he had no upper hand when she was concerned, he heaved a deep sigh and looked back at the white board while she passed him a sweet smile and continued to take care of her pregnancy cravings.

As Xander and Erasto stood in front of the white board discussing the alternative plans to doom Viktor, the men and women sat in the huge sofas trying to give their inputs too; except Ricardo and Hazel.

Yes, these men included their women too in some of their meetings and even considered their inputs if they were practical enough to implement.

As Sierra sat there listening to the men sipping on her full calorie rich chocolate shake, Cici continued munching on her cheese flavoured chips which of course Alessandro too stuffed his mouth with.

"No, I don't think that will fit right. We cannot assume that Viktor is a fool." Xander said putting a cross across the plan B written on the white board while Erasto nodded his head with his hands tucked inside his pant pockets saying, "I already told you this won't work. There is no plan B Xander. Everything is so f***** up."

Grabbing another marker from the table Erasto started writing on the white board not before saying, "Mamma, tieni d'occhio papà! Ha con sé un pacchetto di patatine 'al formaggio'." (Ma, keep an eye on papa! He has 'cheese' chips packet with him.)

Katherine who appeared too lost with everything going on finally looked at her husband who passed her a sheepish grin and pled, "Per favore Gemma! Solo uno." (Please Gemma! Just one.)

Rolling her eyes she snatched it from his hand and looked at her son saying, "Ce l'ho figlio!" (I got it figlio!)

Glaring at the mother son duo he hunched a little towards Cici and whispered, "Anche mio figlio ha gli occhi dietro. E lo odio." (My son has eyes in the back too. And I hate it); while she giggled softly and passed him a chip secretly whispering back, "Lol! E sto per grattargli gli occhi!" (Lol! And I am going to scratch his eyes!)

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