Chapter 8: Everyone is judgemental!

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(Mature Language 18 +)

Series of gunshots blazed from both the sides. Knowing how dangerous it could be for her, Ricardo pushed her behind a rock barking a loud, "MOVE!"

Mariano who was their bodyguard for the night, just in case, had already shot one man in the head. As the bullets blazed in the air freely, she stood rooted right behind the rock still witnessing the scene in front of her with blurred vision.

She was completely frozen and all she could think about was her father and how he was at the receiving end years back. As tears escaped the confines of her pretty brown eyes, Ricardo pressed his boot clad foot on the man's throat ruthlessly.

While the man yelped in pain, he shot him right on his forehead not before saying, "Cattivo amico! Mossa molto, molto brutta!" (Bad move buddy! Very, very bad move!)

Still looking at the man's drained out face he set back his gun and ordered Mariano, "Metti tutto a posto e invia un messaggio a Blue Whales: 'Mai scherzare con i Black Lions! È impossibile sconfiggere Ricardo Li Fonti!' Non voglio cazzate!" (Get everything cleared up and send a message to Blue Whales, 'Never mess with the Black Lions! It's impossible to take down Ricardo Li Fonti!' I don't want any f*** ups!)

"Subito sotto il capo!" (Right away Under boss!)

As Mariano replied checking the man's pockets for any other information, Ricardo stepped aside and let out a frustrated sigh thinking how such a lovely romantic night turned out into a disaster in just a blink of an eye. He regretted and hated himself for not telling her about who he was and what he does earlier in the morning when he had chance.

Now that he knew her a little, he was sure she would go all judgemental about this entire scenario and would even stop seeing him. And to be honest, his heart froze thinking about it.

Heaving a deep sigh he turned around and looked at a shocked Hazel who was still looking at the dead man with tears streaming down her face.

He hated this! He hated this so much!

He was ready to tell her about everything but then, something so grave coming out in light like 'this' was really not how he had expected or wanted it to be.

Stepping near her, he called her many times but she didn't respond. Her painful gaze was still stuck on the dead man while her heart wept for him and his family who must have been waiting for his return.



When nothing came from her, he held her arms and called her name in a louder tone trying to get her out of her thoughts and this time; he was successful.




One look at her pain stricken face and his heart broke. Her sparkling brown eyes appeared so dull and devoid of life that he couldn't stop himself from thinking about her reaction. Of course, he anticipated that things will go downhill with a rough patch and he desperately wanted to turn back the events and make everything right.

"Piccante! Please let me explain. I am sorry. I am so sorry sweetheart..." He wiped her tears and tried to explain but then who was he kidding? She turned her head towards the dead man 'again' and whispered in a croaky tone, "What... What... What happen...nnned? I... I... I..."

She was unable to form any words and her head was ready to explode! She could feel the pain of that man's family when they will learn the sad truth! And why not? She was in the same shoes years back.

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