Chapter 27: Ti amo! Ti amo anch'io!

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(Mature Language 18+)



"Grumpy, please talk to me. I am so sorry. Grumpy please!" Cici requested and apologised in a hurried tone trying to catch up with her husband who was extremely mad at his pregnant wife for putting herself and their unborn baby at risk.


Going on the war field is always risky. No matter how good one was in dealing with enemies, there is always a risk in it. Especially in her 7th month pregnancy condition it was a lot more than that. And with the terrible past under their sleeves, this man was very possessive and over protective when it came to his wife and his kids.

We all know we can't blame him. Don't we?

"There is nothing to talk Cilia!" He barked not even bothering to look at her which of course scared her even more.

Yes, she had seen him mad but this was something grave and she knew what was about to come and hit her. Just like her father, even her husband called her 'Cilia' when he was insanely mad at her which was of course very, very, very, very rare.

The second he saw her there on the building with the gun, he barged towards her in no time and had picked her up in his arms. Without paying any heed to her pleas or apologies, he got her into the car and ordered Ricardo to take care of the Russians and that he was leaving that very instant.

All throughout the journey he kept his gaze locked on the road ahead and didn't speak even a word to her. That was new. Knowing Erasto, he could never stop himself from talking to her but this? This was new, scary and grave!

Of course it wasn't a surprise to her when he stopped the car at the hospital and had literally ordered the doctors to get an ultrasound done immediately. He heaved a sigh of relief when the doctor told them that nothing was wrong with neither the baby nor the baby mamma.

And she knew how scared and upset he was!

As the elders barged towards the couple, he stopped for a moment and glanced at them saying, "Va tutto bene. Entrambi sono al sicuro. Niente di cui preoccuparsi!" (Everything is fine. Both of them are safe. Nothing to worry!).

Turning his head towards Alexander, he stated the most oblivious fact, "Papa! Instead of requesting you to look into Dmitri's matter, I should have requested you to keep an eye on 'her'. At least she wouldn't have crossed you."

And she knew how hurt he was!

As per their plan, while these three men were away dealing with Viktor, Alexander and Alessandro were on the duty to track Dante and give him the necessary support over the phone on how to handle Dmitri while Cynthia and Katherine were supposed to keep an eye on the kids and the elder most couple; Isabella and Leonardo.

Knowing everyone would be busy with their own work; the girls took a little advantage of this fact and crossed the confines of the mansion to help their husbands. But poor women were caught red-handed.

Alexander is not a fool. Of course he could easily make out what was hidden behind his son-in-law's anger. He could easily read how scared Erasto was thinking about those scary 'what-ifs' that had been haunting him for years.


What if things did go according to the plan?

What if she was hit?

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