Chapter 32 - "Cute and Petite Tsumugi"

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"I will not."

"Where's that cute, irresistible, angelic smile? Bring it out. I want to see it."

"Leave me alone."

"Why? I'm trying to cheer you up."

"Cheer me up like a normal person, then. 'Cute, irresistible, angelic smile,' my butt." I pouted. "Stop needlessly embarrassing me."

"You sound pretty happy."

"Am not."

"Really? I bet you're grinning like an idiot right now."

Truthfully, an unintentional grin had poked its way into my cheeks. I shielded the lower half of my face from him. "Am not."

I knew in an instant he could see through my lie. I heard his smile through his voice. "You're impossible, Kisaragi."

I could say the same about him.


The call steered my focus forward.

Banri infiltrated my vicinity in an instant, definite stars in his eyes.

"I finished with my Beautician Boyz duties as fast as I could. In order to see you. You're as radiant as ever, my goddess."

I clasped my warmed cheeks. "Calling me a goddess doesn't flatter me at all, you."

Igarashi bitterly stared him down. "Get a hobby."

"Is somebody with you, Kisa? I could've sworn I heard something but I'm afraid I can't actually see them."

"Bastard! Say that to my face!"

"I might be able to if you grew a foot or six."

Igarashi erupted like a volcano. Tuning him out, Banri took my hand.

"More importantly, Kisa. Your concert's next week, right? Please let me style you an outfit. I'll do your beauty justice."

"Are you sure have time? I heard you were busy."

"We are busy." He was tugged from the collar from behind. "Banri, stop troubling her."

The sight of Upperclassman Miyake stunned me.

"G-good afternoon," I said.

He flashed me a small smile. "You don't have to be so formal. Talk to me the same way you do this numbskull."

"I can't! You're an upperclassman!"

"As far as I'm concerned, so is he."

I stiffened. But, Upperclassman Miyake was in his third year. And Banri was. . . well, Banri.

"It's reached my ears your first official concert is coming up," he continued, now addressing both Igarashi and me. "Congratulations. You sounded spectacular at the Music Festival. Likewise, I'm sure you'll reach great heights in no time."

Igarashi and I fluttered our eyelashes accordingly.

He was so mature.

Upperclassman Issei was mature, too, but not to this level.

"Thank you!" we cried simultaneously, breaking into respective bows.

He sweatdropped. "I just said not to be formal. . ."

"How can they not, when you sound exactly like an old man." Juro Ando, another member of the BB entered the scene with a gentle smile.

Takaya Watanuki was beside him, silently observing the situation with his eyes.

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