Anna moans softly against Remus's neck as her hips grinds harder against Remus's. She tightens her hold on Remus's hands, who's arms flex.

"Anna." Remus breaths, voice deepening in pleasure. His fist clench, softly straining.

Anna nibbles against Remus's ear, letting out little whines, her tail swishing behind her, coiling.

Remus thrashes his head on the pillow, thrusting up against Anna, who didn't slow her ministrations, drool slipping past his lips.

"Anna. Anna." Remus moans


Remus gasps awake, eyes snapping open.

The room was in complete darkness and all he can hear is James loud snoring and Anna light one against his ear.

Remus looks down and he sees Anna sleeping against his chest, her face flushed, her fingers loosely curling around his nightshirt.

His own arms were around her waist, holding her tight against him.

Remus quickly notices that her hips were softly grinding against his thigh which was lodged between her legs and pressed up against her heat.

Remus bites his bottom lip harshly and his head falls back, eyes rolling back.

"Fuck." Remus softly whines, his cock twitching in his pants.

Remus feels something tighten against his hip and he looks down to see Anna's tail curled around him, the hairs pulled up on its ends.

Anna breaths lightly against his chest, her face flushed and filled with pleasure. Remus forces himself to bite down on his fist. He tried to steady his pounding heart. He couldn't get worked up.

Remus looks down to watch a happily rested Anna and he looks away, blushing.


The next morning.

Sirius, Peter and James were all staring at Remus's closed curtain bed. All confused.

"Remus is still sleeping, at 9 in the morning. He never sleeps in." James says "and his curtains are closed." Sirius points out, he's used to seeing a half dead werewolf.

"Does he have a girl in his bed." Peter asks

"No." James says after a moment of silence. "No." James says more firmly.

"How long are we going to stand here staring." Sirius asks "he'll tell us if he's seeing someone, right." Peter asks

"If not, well force it out of him." James says


Anna's eyes flutter open and she notices that she wasn't in her room.

Anna's heart jumps when she feels arms tighten around her waist, she looks down and sees Remus's head cushioned between her breast.

"Anna." Remus mumbles in his sleep.

Anna stiffens, her face heating up.

Remus's eyes flutter open and he feels something soft pressed against his head.

His eyes widen when he feels a rapid heartbeat beneath his ear. He quickly sits up and he turns to a shocked Anna, who was still a bit hungover.

Anna sits up and she stares into Remus's eyes.

Remus's heart begins to pound.

Memories of last night resurface in Remus's mind and Anna's hungover mind sees everything and her eyes widen partially.

Dragons Soul • (Sirius Black, Remus Lupin) • The Marauder Era • CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now