"No, I am not!" She protested.

"Yes, you are," It wasn't just Fred and George who said this but (BF/N) and an anonymous voice had also contributed.

"Oh goodness, Diggory, will you ever stop doing that?" I asked, after turning around when I saw an ill-shaped shadow cast on the table before me.

"Nope," Cedric said, "Oh, and you've got that thing?" he asked, doing a motion with his hand.

"The thing?"

"Yes, the thing,"

I blinked twice trying to find what "the thing" meant and ignored the snickers behind me. "I have no idea what "the thing" is,"

Cedric sighed, "Come on,"

"No, I've got my classes,"

"Classes can wait," he muttered, taking hold of my arm and dragging me away from the great hall.

"Use protection, kids!" We could hear Fred and George yell after us.

"Is the thing here?" I asked, smirking, as Cedric brought the two of them to an empty classroom.

He smiled cheekily, "yeah, it is,"

"And what might the thing be,"

"Love," he said dramatically, pulling her into his arms.

I scrunched my face, "Love is not a thing,"

"It is," he huffed.

"No. It's a feeling,"

"Oh shut it," he mumbled, pressing his lips to mine and then trailing kisses down my jaw and to my neck.

"Where were you?" (BF/N) asked, as I finally came to divination class.

"Got caught up in the...thing," I said, a little blush forming on my face as I saw my best friend smirking at me.

The excellent class of that day to me was Transfiguration, not only could we see a Savage McGonagall we could also see Umbridge looking fooled. And McGonagall started her attitude the moment she entered the classroom by ignoring the total presence of Umbridge.

"Hem, hem," Umbridge said for the second time after McGonagall ignored her the first time.

"Yes?" said Professor McGonagall.

"I was just wondering, Professor, whether you received my note telling you of the date and time of your inspec-"

"Obviously I received it, or I would have asked you what you are doing in my classroom," said Professor McGonagall.

"As I was saying, today we shall be practising the altogether more difficult vanishment of mice. Now, the Vanishing Spell -"

"Hem, hem."

"I wonder," said Professor McGonagall, "how do you expect to gain an idea of my usual teaching methods if you continue to interrupt me? You see, I do not generally permit people to talk when I am talking."

Not able to control myself, I whistled and acted innocent as Umbridge looked around the class to find the culprit but Professor McGonagall needed none as she looked at me in the eyes. I grinned sheepishly and I swear I saw a slight smile on McGonagall's face.

"As I was saying, the Vanishing Spell becomes more difficult with the complexity of the animal to be vanished. The snail, as an invertebrate, does not present much of a challenge; the mouse, as a mammal..."

(BF/N) and I quietly watched as Hermione proposed the idea of Harry teaching them Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Listen to me!" Harry yelled, at a smirking Ron and Hermione, as they listed his accomplishments, "Just listen to me, all right? It sounds great when you say it like that, but all that stuff was luck - I didn't know what I was doing half the time, I didn't plan any of it, I just did whatever I could think of, and I nearly always had help. I know what went on, all right? And I didn't get through any of that because I was brilliant at Defense Against the Dark Arts, I got through it all because - because help came at the right time, or because I guessed right - but I just blundered through it all, I didn't have a clue what I was doing - STOP LAUGHING!"

"Woah, harry," I leapt to her feet as Harry spilt the burlap essence where he had his bleeding hand in, "Calm down, yeah?"

But it was to no avail as he yelled even more and with my temper raising I interrupted him, "Alright, Potter, shut up!"

Looking taken aback Harry said nothing and I continued, "They're just suggesting," she said gently, knowing the cause why he was acting like that, "It's OK. You can take your time, think it over and then decide." I said carefully. Harry nodded at my words but said nothing.

A Promise To Forever...(Cedric Diggory x reader)Where stories live. Discover now