oh baby

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you two decide to keep it. you are about to film the announcement video because you are showing and hiding it at pax would be a little hard to hide.

"hey guys so ethan and i have an announcement"
"so as you know we have been together for a while and from the tittle and thumbnail you probably know what's up."
"we're pregnant"
"no ethan that's not the right announcement it's that we are going to pax but uh yea we're pregnant."

you both laugh and show the ultrasound and talked about it.

you two get ready to go to pax.

"no y/n i will get the bags. you go and sit and get comfortable."
"yea i know it's kinda well in me so i know it's precious cargo."

you two go to the airport and at this point you are six months along and showing quite a bit.

as you are waiting to board the plane you feel the baby kick.

"ethan it's kicking again."
"oooohhhhh my lil babyyyy"

he puts his hand on your stomach and you two shared a moment that made your heart flutter.

you two get settled in on the plane and mark and amy are in the row behind you two and tyler is next to them. there is no one in the isle seat in your row.

your plane landed in seattle and you all make your way to the hotel.

"shut uppp ethannnn"
"ughhhh fine. i love you."

you whisper in his ear and gently bite it. you pull away and kiss him on the cheek.

you all get to your rooms and settle in. tomorrow is the first day of pax and you can't wait.

"so we have a panel from three to five so we need to be at the room at 2:30 which means we'd have a couple hours before and after."

you climb into bed and he holds you. he puts a hand on your belly and the baby is moving a bit. you lean over and kiss him and you can feel him smile.

you wake up and see that ethan is getting dressed. you watch him as he pulls his shirt over his head and adore how his back muscles move. he turns around and sees you watching him.

"you like what you see?"
"bitch i already bought it and i can't really get a refund now."

you signal towards your stomach. he leans into the bed and gives you a kiss.

"come on y/n you gotta get dressed we have to get on the bus and head to the convention."
"fine. help me up."

you didn't need help you just wanted ethan to lift you because you wanted him to hold you a little longer.

you two make it to pax and walk around checking all the cool new games and consoles they are showing. two o'clock rolls around and you all go to the green room to prepare.

m "so due to high demand from the fans y/n and any will be going the panel."
y "cool"
e "dibs on being next to y/n"

mark rolls his eyes and you all make your way out to the table. you guys answer a few questions and one lands on you.

"hi!! i love you guys so much and uh this question is for uh y/n and uh ethan. uh haha sorry i'm really nervous but uh what's your story because like you guys seem so in love and you guys have a baby on the way."

you go through the whole relationship and tell them about the ups and downs and explained everything fairly quickly.

the panel ends and you guys make your way out and take pictures with fans. you guys have about wrapped up and it's almost 6:30 and your stomach rumbles and you guys have a dinner reservation at 7 so you all make your way out.

it seems like you're in the clear and as you get on the bus you hear someone call out your name and you look back.

you come face to face with a tall blonde woman who looks like she could be a supermodel.

"emma says ethan was supposed to be hers you bitch."

there's a deafening boom and you feel a sharp pain in your stomach. everyone looks around and the woman is holding a gun. you look down and you are bleeding. you look up at ethan and collapse.

*a/n i'm sorry about this i just wanted to add some of that dr. spencer reid kind of trauma to this story to make it a lil spicier but the wrong kind of spice. also no hate to any emmas i just like had to throw a name in there

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