what happened to the waffle maker

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you get home and kick off your shoes.

'god fucking damnit'

you turn on the shower and get undressed. the moment you step in everything let's go. the water mixed with the tears and the sobs uncontrollable but no one is around to hear. you sit for about 30 minutes and decide to get out of the shower. you wrap your hair and body up and look in the mirror.

"Y/N there is no reason to cry. you are a bad bitch. go commit arson because you definitely are not going to commit to that bitch."

you do your skincare because a cis white man is NOT going to mess up your skin and put on a movie. you drift off to sleep and are woken up the next morning by your security system. you jump out of bed and run to the bathroom for a robe and grab a lighter and hairspray just in case.

'y/n you are not getting shot again. that shit was so annoying'

you throw a book down to see what happens and you hear Ethan scream.

"i brought you breakfast. okay more like i brought ingredients but it can become breakfast."
"oh peyton gave me a key"
"okay how does peyton have a key?"
"i dunno"
"are you ever helpful?"
"i brought food?"
"fine. just gimme a sec"

you look down at your robe because there is nothing under it.

"ha it's nothing i haven't seen."
"oh my god just shut up"

you feel a smile creep on your face and die a little inside.

'y/n we are here to catch flights not feelings COME ON'

you walk upstairs and throw on a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt.

'if imma be uncomfortable inside imma be comfortable outside.'

"hey y/n do you have a waffle maker?"
"not anymore. i did a challenge with why don't we to promote my new movie. they're on the soundtrack."
"how does one fuck up a waffle maker like that?"
"oh well it's still being edited but uhh we uhh we put candy in there and then it sealed shut so we had to unplug it but it was still hot and started smoking so we threw it outside and then it broke cuz jack threw it outside."
"so pancakes?"
"i guess"

you put on some music and you and ethan start cooking. you take on the wet ingredients and he does dry.

"hey y/n what is the difference between baking powder and baking soda?"
"powder makes things rise and be fluffy and soda makes things dense."
"soooo do i not add baking soda?"
"well ethan what does the recipe say?"
"that it needs both. well then there you go."

you look back at him to see him somehow covered in flour. everything inside you says go over to him and hug him from behind.

'is there really anything to loose at this point?'

you walk up behind him and wrap you arms around him. he jumps a little at first but takes a deep breath once he gets past the initial surprise.

"you good back there"
"mhm i just needed a hug"
"well in that case"

ethan turns around and kisses you in the head. you put your head in his chest and remember how safe you felt in his arms.

"i'm sorry about what i said yesterday. i didn't mean it i was just angry and trying to hurt you."
"i know. i know."

he holds you for a little longer and the works just feels like it's falling away around you and yet you feel more grounded than ever.

'i am falling again. do i want to?'

thanks mark           ethan nestor x reader Where stories live. Discover now