Scene 11 - The Doctor Understands

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Indeed, the Doctor was. He has entered the secret undercover passage that runs some way through the pyramid. The Doctor has begun to analyze the Egyptian drawings and diagrams on the walls by shinning the torchlight on them. He continues to follow along the passage that leads deeper and deeper into more blackness. The drawings follow as the Doctor continues to interpret them carefully. He begins to talk to himself as he reads the transcriptions whilst reading them and slowly walking down the black path decorated with cobwebs throughout. The diagrams are near enough as to what the Doctor describes. Because we do not see the TARDIS' telepathic circuits, we have to go off what the Doctor says to help translate the Egyptian writing.


Ah. Yes. Seems as it was all right. Thanks to the TARDIS' telepathic circuits, it makes it a little easier to transcribe. My Egyptian is a little ropey. When you've got nine hundred or so different languages to communicate and you don't keep up practice it can become a little foggy sometimes to remember it all.

The Doctor continues through...

This God Seth did appear to come from a universe before ours and was familiar to other beings that existed early in our creation. And it was in this pyramid that he and a remainder of his people stayed to hide from the catastrophes and destructions of the universe. They've disguised themselves via the Egyptian language and have remained that way ever since.

We continue even deeper through, but the path remains safe. It bends around to the right eventually. The Doctor keeps scanning the area with his torch.

The disciples are all Mosqurates, and all fall into different genetic categories. Hmph. That must be what causes the different species on Esto. Some have already adapted to their original form, and others have yet to reform to their shape. I wonder if that means if all mosquitos originate from this.

The Doctor continues around the corner, whilst still reading what the left of the wall says.

The God Seth was brother to... yes, yes, we know that already... He was God of chaos, violence, deserts, and storms. Seth enjoys chaos and destruction simply for fun. And because of it, he sent a large portion of his surviving population onto Esto to die through the wormhole, aka to them the mystic portal.

The path has now become straight again.

Hmm. Must be in deep now. It must lead somewhere. Eventually. Now, the asteroid has been circling the universe ever since the creation of time – brought over by him and his great sacrifices. And now, Seth is waiting for the great sacrifice – the destruction of Esto, Earth... and himself?

The Doctor has stopped to read these diagrams even more carefully because he feels surprised.

He wouldn't stand a chance in here, in spite of all his protection. Bad gods, demi-gods, nut-job gods, all the same. And I've been around the universe and back, all as insane and stupidly driven as each other. But talk about a great sacrifice. And come to mention of protection, that will explain the mechanical workings of the Pyramid!

He has spotted in the distance some white pipes/cables leading down the wall. Critically examining the pipes, the Doctor comes to a clear conclusion.

Bingo! Part of his massive life support systems, leading up to his capsule I imagine and to the rest of the pyramid. Very neat you could say. Judging by the rocket blasters, he wouldn't leave this pyramid at all. He would take it all up with him. And he must know it. He is a prisoner to himself. And I've seen Gods like that before too. And now, I understand all. My theory is that if I continue straight down here, I hopefully should lead back to the main hall. Hopefully. Fingers crossed.

The Doctor heads forward again, shining the torch in his direction to help guide him. Now he understood everything he needed, all made perfect sense, and could plan a way to defeat Seth and the Mosqurates once and for all...

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