Scene 5 - To Come Travel With The Doctor?

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Back on the planet Esto, the Doctor's Sonic begins tracking a reading of some sort. He pulls it out and analyses it carefully.




How many?


Quite a few. On their way. They'll be here in no time at all. How many races now dominate this planet?




You didn't tell me about it.


You didn't ask.


Well, I am now.


A large variety. They're a race who have established themselves as the Mosqurates. There are several different beings of the species that have evolved. How I don't know. But they have.

The bleeping of the Sonic rapidly increases.


Hmph. Seems as though as we have far more explaining to do. Shall we?

They take each other's hand and dash for it back the way they came! CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! Giant cockroaches emerge from the ground. They click their mandibles together once they emerge from the ground and they turn towards their prey. The Mosqurates begin sprinting after them, hissing. The Doctor and Hope look at each other and smile hopefully. We see from a low angle on the ground the Doctor and Hope running, followed by several seconds later of the Mosqurates.


Where are we headed?


Back to the TARDIS. You need to tell me everything you can about these beings!

We continue to dash through the forest in first-person. The Doctor's Sonic is bleeping when he takes it out but is just for the Mosqurates behind.

At least we don't have any more on our trail!

There is bleeping coming from the direction in front. More creatures are drilling their way up to the top!

Uh! Spoke too soon. Looks as though we have more incoming. We'll make it!

They see the ground beginning to rumble and shake in front of them. Only narrowing missing in time, gigantic leeches launch their way up to the ground. The two species of leech and cockroach clash. Hope turns around and sees that they have begun fighting. More ground rumbles! More are coming up! The two narrowly miss again before they escape the clutches of the slimy leeches, as they slither like a snake after them. Finally, the TARDIS is in sight!


You have anyone else on board?


No. Just us two!


Good! Because it might be a little cramped inside your ship!

The Doctor's Sonic is bleeping in front of them again! Some gigantic creatures burst from behind the TARDIS! The Doctor quickly unlocks the doors as some of the leeches begin slithering in to attack. Hope hides beside the Doctor, but suddenly more of the Cockroaches Mosqurates burst from the ground upwards and immediately begin jumping at the leeches! The Doctor and Hope quickly rush into the TARDIS, slamming the doors shut. Hope hasn't seen the inside properly yet, she just looks at the Doctor, who both lie against the doors.

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