Scene 14 - I AM THE LAW!

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The Doctor and the other enter into a massive great hall, in fact, the same gigantic hall at the start that we saw. There is much talking and murmuring. Some kind of festival is taking place. The God we witnessed at the start is present again on his mighty powerful throne raised onto a higher level as he watches from a great height below. It possesses a human body whilst also featuring a thin doglike body. The head is of a mask of an animal, with a long snout and big ears. It also has a straight tail with a tuft on the end, and we know very little of his true origins. Many male and female disciples dance in their little of what there is for Egyptian dancing outfits. This includes skirts, tunics, jewellery, and headdresses. Musicians will also be depicted alongside dancers, with traditional string or percussion instruments. Playing an important role in the lives of all social classes, dance usually associated with religious rituals, music and dance were present in festivals and celebrations of various gods. Genders dance only once at any one time. The steps will be choreographed to not echo one and another, as each person will have their own gestures and positions to make on their own. Each however is working together in very specifically organized ways. The routine lasts for a while as the Doctor, the humans, and the Mosqurates watch attentively.



In the centre of the space, a grey whizzing light beams out. This is the same form that we saw at the start of the episode too. The Doctor watches one of the dancers very closely. He is trying to see the face of this girl closely.



The routine finally ends as all the disciples close in together at the mystic portal, kneeling down at raising their arms up to it.




He may call that a secret portal, I call that a wormhole that leads to the other side of the universe. Esto probably!



The disciples all turn their head towards them. One that had their back turned faces her face towards them – River Song!


Ah, hello there, I'm the Doctor, this is Hope, Weasel, and some acquaintances from their native planet Esto. Now, we just happened to be on our nice little holiday before we learned that these bad boys had a little bit of trouble from their neighbours. Well, not to call you neighbours, but they seem to think that this is their home palace. Is that right? Ah! River! Hello there! What are you doing here exactly? You seem to be enjoying this little juvenile experience?

She gets up and heads to the Doctor.


Hello sweetie. Guess you could call it enjoyable. Not that I necessarily wanted to come here originally, but I've actually come to enjoy this place. It is actually quite exhilarating!


Oh, good. What brings you here then?


Just some paranormal activities I located. Like you sweetie, whenever there is trouble brewing up, I'm in it right up to my neck. Thanks to this, I was able to get in and join in on the fun, shall we say. 

River shows the Doctor her Vortex Manipulator on her left wrist. It is covered up with a golden cover.

I know you don't like Vortex Manipulators very much sweetie, but we've used it a lot together to get out of some pretty tight situations. My one is still charging. It took a huge amount of energy and complex re-circuiting to get me here, especially when you have to program coordinates that don't actually exist.

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