Lets Play Dominator!

Start from the beginning

"Yh that's sound good, what game tho ?" I turned to him, with all my attention his way. I saw the way he smiled and I knew from then that this was gonna be a regret added to the list.

"Dominator"( whoever got the other to cum first was the winner. The only rule is that you can't physically have sex to win. ) with this, I became very uncomfortable.

"I don't know babe, last time we played that it got really out of hand and I was really sore the next day." I slightly pleaded with him. This game always left me so sore because if I wanted to win there would be times where I would have to pull myself away just before orgasms repeatedly until one of us won. And that's why I never knew why he wanted to play all the time, it's like torture for competitive people, and you couldn't get more competitive than us two. But he pulled out his puppy dog face which he knew would get me to do anything he wanted. "Alright" I sighed with reluctance knowing that I had fallen for it again.

" cool," he said nonchalantly and to my surprise, he just sat there, and continued to watch the tv which was much louder than I remember. Normally when we had played this game previously, he would attack me as soon as I agreed, but this time he just sat there doing nothing at all, not even a smirk. I took it, that this was a new tactic of his,  to fool me into relaxing and forgetting all about this silly game, a sort of slow but steady approach." I'm kinda tired you know," he said adding to my suspicions. I nodded and moved over so he could lay on me like he usually did but this time put his hand into the gap of my thigh and under my butt. I swooned when I thought he was gonna stop at my pussy but instead when he went past I rearranged my position with my legs crisscrossed. He looked up at me for a moment I'm sure to see why I was moving but I patted my lap signally for him to drop his head there and get comfortable like he normally would. And it was only a couple seconds in that he began, circling his finger on my cheek and pressing his thumb into the space between my ass and pussy. It's a small fleshy part that sometimes gets triggered during sex, pressed too hard it can be painful but just the right amount of pressure, it can cause the most amazing sensation. He knew to press there for me to react and as predicted I let out a small moan something I definitely did not want to do this early in the game.

While massaging that same area, his other fingers, turned to my pussy making me gasp at how easily his hand could move in such a confined space. He must've heard my moan and continued to circle his fingers on my opening which was covered by my shorts. On a normal day, I would have ripped them off by now and begged him to repeat on my bare skin but I couldn't,  I had to win. I bit my lip and closed my eyes trying to take my mind off of it or even control my hormones from rising out of control. But it wasn't working, he was pushing hard and his index finger, I believe, was prodding at my opening softly, making me so wet. I moaned again instantly regretting it when he lifted up and looked at me, changing his hand position to suit his new angle.

"If you give up now it will save you a lot of struggle babe. just let me win and I'll go easy" he said in my ear, his chest was pressed up to my arm with his hand still working its magic on my pussy.

"never" I whispered moving further back in the sofa, I tried to detach myself from his hand but he wouldn't let me. Scooping me softly around my waist, his right arm hooked me to the side of his body while his left hand pulled the crotch of my shorts and panties to the side. I squealed and hid my face in his neck, not knowing what else to do. I felt absolutely useless while he had ultimate control over my emotions.

" I'm giving you one last chance to surrender" I didn't even have to look at him to know how his smirk was covering his face entirely when he spoke.

" no" was all I said when his large finger finally reached my bare skin, swiping the outer lips like the tease he was. I gasped again letting him know that I was slipping further into failure and defeat. But with all my might, I pulled away, ripping his arm from around my waist and backing up on to the chair, where we had piled all the pillows out of the way. Sinking into them slowly, I watched as his smirk turned evil, a sexier version of him that I'd only seen a couple of times revealed itself to me.  He didn't move at all to get me back but sat there staring at me intensely. I tried to turn away from him but my eyeballs were resistant and continued to deny my wishes to cast my glance elsewhere. My chest slowed in its previous erratic heaving and panting to a quiet and rested breath. I didn't know what to do but to stay calm and wait for his next move.

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