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Hey what's up, my names Jared, I'm 19 and I never learned-

Naw just kidding😂

For real though, I was tagged by a very good friend of mine!:D

I hope you enjoy this little... fun fact chapter about me? Oof I'm sorry I don't know what it's called:)

Do you have any crush/crushes?

Mm, if guys who aren't real and twice my age count then yes. I mean Troy baker is a sweetheart though🥺 anyhoo, I definitely am a sucker for Reznov and Woods, Richtofen, Higgs Monaghan, Jacob Seed, Goku, Vegeta, and Vulpes Inculta👀 etc. etc.

Middle name?

Jane, actually. Sometimes I forget that myself, *ahem*


Around 5'4 5'5

Shoe Size?

I wear like two different kinds, if we're talking boots then 7 but if it's regular shoes then 5 or 6

Eyes Colour?

Brown/Dark Gold, weird I know

Last time you cried?

When I accidentally deleted Modern Warfare from my PS4 which had Warzone on it, so now it has to update and install which is 99+ hours. I felt so bad and I actually cried, real shit

Last song you listened to?

Sleep Walk by Santo and Johnny. Gotta have that chill vibe to write

Return to me by Dean Martin

And We'll meet again by Vera Lynn🖤

Last Person I texted?

My brother, Skyler, no doubt the funniest dude alive

Biggest fear?

Now this one I feel is to personal?😂
But I'm being honest so my biggest fear is needles, cause heck the thought of a small skinny piece of metal going through your skin and putting some liquid in your arm that mix's up with your blood is an off putting feeling. Or even having a blood draw, cause FUcK!! Those things hurt, going in and out (😏) and you can just feel.. your blood leaving!!! Ahhh.. I'm sorry I'm sorry lol. But I'm getting use to it, I got a tattoo so why can't I get a shot?

This was fun, hopefully I get to do more soon:)

(Tagged by Murrah5)

Tagging people-


Only five, since I only have a few friends:(

Call of Duty Zombies Preferences-ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ