Their babies ears gets pierced

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He was worried, his child was still a baby, Maybe 2 months or so? He watched with confusion and worry as you seemed alright with the situation while his child was beginning to squirm and start to whine. Of course you had to go get something out of the vehicle and left him standing there just looking at his little one try and reach out to him. Once you came back you gave the confirmation to go ahead and pierce their ears. Before the lady had the chance to come close Richtofen immediately interrupted her. "If you don't mind, could I possibly hold them?" He asked as if he was doing something wrong. Of course the lady let him cheerfully as she got ready.

After she did the first ear your child didn't respond and confused but as soon as she did the second, Richtofen swore he felt the pain in his ears too. He just held them as they tried to turn around. After the whole thing he actually liked the little earrings they had on


He was down for whatever you wanted to do but this...was something else entirely. He wasn't sure if he heard you right and asked again. Once you explained, he was not so sure of the outcome and kept making excuses like "what if he/she rips it off?" Or "I've never seen a baby with earring so early" you assured him the most you could and said everything will be alright. He reluctantly agreed. When the day came he got a little queasy, he wasn't going to back out. Of course his child didn't know what was going on and just sat there. They didn't even feel the earring go in. They did however whine a little bit that was about it.


He immediately agreed to it. He laughed first but then said to go ahead and do it. It didn't take a lot to convince him, once you both watched your child sit in Tanks lap patiently waiting for something to come up, he was excited. He was worried for a split second about them crying but he has a secret way of getting them to stop. He said he had this feeling in his stomach where it felt like he was sick and it hurt but he was excited. It made you laugh and eager to see how he would react to the crying.

Immediately after the needle went in they screamed. It surprised him and he still held them. He was debating weather he should stop or just keep going. But he wanted them to at least get through the last one. Once they finished, he held them and you watched with a smile on your face as your child was smiling.


On the outside, it look like he didn't mind. On the inside he was worried. He said he would go and do it but he wanted you to hold them. You smiled and said you could. Once you both sat waiting patiently for the person to get ready, he held them first. Once they person came in he handed them over to you and just watched with a unreadable expression. Of course the baby cried and out of the corner of your eye, you seen Takeo (Takio?) wince and try to stand comfortably again.

Once they finished he got the baby from your arms and walked out. You laughed and once you caught up to him he was sitting against the hood of the vehicle admiring the little earrings they had on.
Someone asked about piercing our babies ears so early in Native culture and I actually don't know but almost all mothers do it. I had mine done early too so I don't remember it, lol
Thanks for reading and I'll catch you all soon again!

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