They talk about their past

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1.0 Richtofen≈

His past was kinda painful. It wasn't fun, he always tried his best to satisfy his mother and sister, but something about them just made it clear that they didn't really like him. It made him feel bad about himself and the things he felt proud of made his mom and sister disappointed and usually shamed him, leading him to have short temper and just real sarcastic in some situations. He felt left out and wanted just to give a little of the medicine back to them, he crushed his sisters dolls and hurt his mothers feelings. His life before you was basically trash, then you came along, you help with the voices in his head, it's like they're more quiet and know that you're in charge.

2.0 Richtofen≈

Almost like his Ultimis self, he was abused and mostly left for himself. He only ever knew his sister and mother, his father was out of the picture but he didn't give two shits, he literally thought, "it's me, myself and I". His sister always talked bad about him and made him feel self conscious making him have bad temper and usually just the thought of those hurtful words coming from the ones he loved most hit his heart. His mom was the one who beat him, she always said how better he'd be of with his father and that he shouldn't be here, something about that just made him mad. He didn't do anything bad, he was quiet. The hurtful words and the physical pain caused a whirlwind of emotions, emotions that lead to him hurting others. He's glad he has you, you make everything better.

1.0 Nikolai≈

His past was something he was somewhat fond of, he had the best home and loving ladies. He mostly loved that part, but when the memories came to him killing them, it hurt him more than losing his vodka. His lovers did nothing wrong, well maybe like 2 or 3, but other than that they loved Nikolai. They always wanted to help him but he refused, he called their worriedness (?) nagging, nagging that eventually got annoying, annoying to the point where he either had to kill them or put a bullet to their head. The shocked faces he remembers will never leave his mind, but his daughter is what questioned him. He never got to know her, and he thinks it's best that she doesn't. You made sure to tell him that she'd love him no matter what and she'd be glad to see him.

2.0 Nikolai≈

His wife. It breaks his heart to even think about when the bombs fell. They were happy together, and the bomb tore them apart. He just thinks about her every time you reminded him, somethings you did, she did. He loved her very much and often thinks how she'd approve of you. How you help lead him, of course both Nikolai's are very upset about the topic and usually lead to them shouting at each other, usually saying things about how he should forget about her and how he needs to hold onto memories because somethings need to be remembered. He never thought he'd love someone as much as he loved her, he's glad he was proven wrong.

1.0 Dempsey≈

He was grateful for a few things, his wife was one of them but they were mostly him being able to put his abilities and wonders to test. He gave his purpose and he did it gladly. He enjoyed being able to help people, mostly the traveling. His wife always looked after him, especially when he came home and was greeted with a warm welcome. He never thought anything could go bad. It's like, they weren't suppose to be together and the world was against them, it was only a war. But the world sure was against you and him. He made sure to look after you extra careful and made sure you always were comfortable. He never wanted you to do something you didn't want to do.

2.0 Dempsey≈

He thought he'd seen everything, his life was a literal hell. The asylum was what really got him riled up, who could do such a thing to sick people? His time before the bombs were nothing but pain, even after joining the marines, it was all 'orders, do this, do that, orders' etc. He was basically a robot. He did what he was told, it was all he ever knew, deep down he wanted a family, a place to actually call home and just come back feeling loved. It all seemed like a dream come true when he met you, you had it all. Not money or a house, but the love he never knew he wanted and the kindness that you offered. You made him feel like home.

1.0 Takeo≈

He was on strict rules ever since he learned to walk, he had no time to play or have free time. If he had free time it would usually be a quick nap or just relax, which lasted no more than an hour. After that it was all nothing but talk about the emperor, and how to protect him. His life was literally built like a wall, he learned one thing then added another which was like bricks adding up. His life was mostly nothing but the emperor, it's all he knew and he wouldn't have it any other way. But you tore down those walls and made his true colours shine, he was brilliant and very charming.

2.0 Takeo≈

He took the caring side from his mother and the warrior from his father. It was a great mix and came in great need when he was picked to be the emperors most loyal troop, he was very trustworthy and always made his point. He was the best out of his squadron and always tried to help either the younger ones or the ones who needed more practice. During the time he was serving, he thought about his family, his wife and kids. They always made his day and could just make his heart warm. Once they were gone it felt like a part of him was too, he felt lonely and mostly just useless. You filled in that part and made him feel like he was important, which he was. He always made sure to stand by you.

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