You go down and another helps you

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Once you went down Richtofen was immediately notified. Of course he knew you were strong and you'd last quiet awhile and he never really liked anyone other than himself picking you up. This time there was no way to get you, he was to surrounded. He could have used a monkey but thought it would be a waste.

Once you were down you waited for Richtofen to come and pick you up but he never came. Great timing because Dempsey was right there, he helped you up and asked if everything was alright. You said you were fine and thanked him. Once the round was over you set out to find Ed and ask what was wrong. Turns out he found you and felt extremely guilty. He apologized for not being there and was a little mad at himself and just kept saying sorry. Every 5 minutes he'd say he loves you and kiss you. Even Dempsey told him not to worry about it and that there was to many that round. Everyone was fine after that.


He was a little to distracted by the Book and forgot about everyone. Takeo was a little fed up since he was mostly focused on himself instead of at least shooting quiet a couple. Dempsey just shrugged him off and Richtofen's pride took over and just ignored him.

Takeo was the one who helped you. Richtofen and Dempsey were teaming together even though they hated each other's guts. Takeo always paired with you because you were more on the cool quiet and calm side. Takeo just cussed him out behind Nikolai's back and told you to be careful. Once you found Nikolai with bloody clothes and a tired look on your face he immediately knew that you were down. He didn't really apologized but he gave you bunch of hugs. A little kiss here and there but that was it. He asked if you were alright and said that you were fine


He and Nikolai were to busy trying to find out which plan was better. They both had different ideas and were somewhat arguing about which way was easier and how to solve the problem.

Richtofen helped you and made sure you were alright. Even though Dempsey never really left your side he still needed to help. You forgave him and told Richtofen that you were alright and not to worry to much about you. He smiled at you and said that if anything else popped up or something happened, tell him immediately so he could help you. Once both men settled on a plan they went back to killing and once Dempsey seen you. He immediately picked you up and sat you on the side asking if everything was alright. You lost count of how many times he said he was sorry and that he loved you. He took the blame for being to far and not keeping an eye on you, you told him that it was fine and you use to take care of yourself when you were on your own.


Too much pride? He thought he could have done the objective himself and went off. Everyone wondered where he was at and just left him since he mostly did this, well he use to but stopped ever since you came.

Once you went down Nikolai Was on you and gave you his attention. He asked if you needed anything and if something was hurting. You said you were fine and if something did happened you'd be sure to tell him. He quickly helped you on your feet and let you walk awhile before he knew that you were alright. Once he knew he flashed you a quick smile and took off the other way. Once the round was over Takeo found his way over to you and asked if everything was alright. He apologized for taking off without notifying anyone and gave you a quick kiss. In the end...he got the Easter Egg done...
I have a bunch more of request now and it'll be awhile before they are out. Since I'm out of school I'll be working on another book.

Again thank you for the support and love.

A request from a great friend of mine 5sos_tacos


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