Purse/Bag Challenge 2.0

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2.0 Richtofen≈

Richtofen always knew you were up to something. Whether it be mischievous or not good. Just plain horrible. I he always a expected the unexpected, this time he was wrong. "Oh I forgot to show you something love" you squealed from the seat you sat it, making fists and showing how excited you were. You reached behind your seat and brought your bag over the seat, hitting Edwards head in the process. "I'm sorry. So sorry" you exclaimed and almost snorted. "It's fine love. Just be careful where you swing that thing" he winked at you and smiled. You nodded, you weren't done yet though. "Oh, I guess it's not in this bag. Um. Ooh! I know!" You grabbed another bag and hit Edward again. "Love." He said through teeth while gripping the wheel. "Excuse Me" he opened the door and walked out

2.0 Nikolai≈

Nikolai sat there eating gummy worms. Something he enjoyed, more like a hobby than a snack. The guy could eat and never gain any weight. It was surprising. You turned in your seat. Smiling at Nikolai as he snacked on another. You turned and bent over the console grabbing your pink purse. You swung it over and made Nikolai bit his finger. "Ow" you glared at you. You laughed a little looking away. You grabbed your charger and plugged it in. You swung it back over and Nikolai choked on the small piece. You laughed hard. Patting his back. "What are you doing?" He said through breaths as he gasped for air you shook your and continued to laugh

2.0 Dempsey≈

Dempsey was a quiet guy. Never really liked talking unless he had to. It was to quiet and you hated it. Why couldn't he just say something?! A smiled spread across your face as you turned and grabbed your purse and swung it back just as fast as you grabbed it. "What the fuck" he somewhat yelled at you. You giggled and batted your eyes at him. He turned around and looked out the window. At least he said something. "Sorry" you giggled again. You swung it over and hit his head making his hair fall out of place. "What do you plan on accomplishing by doing that?" He glared and looked at you for an answer. You smiled and kissed his cheek making him blush and turn away

2.0 Takeo≈

He bugged you, but sometimes he didn't. It was like an on and off switch he has. He could talk a lot one second and the other he'd completely shut you out. He was quiet now, and you wanted someone to talk to. "Can you grab my bag?" You pleaded with big doe eyes grasping both hands in one. "Sure." He rolled his eyes. He gave you your bag and you grabbed what you needed. You swung it over and laughed. He shook his head, you could see the small smile behind his lips as he fixed his hair. "Haha. Very funny" he said sarcastically and turned back to the wheel

I'm not curious. I wish I was haha. But she's gone cause of reason. Weather reasons actually. I hope I did ok, if you guys would give me fred back about this it would work. And thanks. I don't really know what to do after this since all I do is read. But thankS, and night

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