They take care of their child 2.0

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He's probably the most loving dad there is. He would totally has her side in almost every argument. She always looks up to him like he's the only man she needs, which she does. He takes her everywhere he goes, there's not a place they haven't been together that you've seen. Is it a little weird that she finds Ed's blood vials satisfying, he tell her to be careful and hands them to her like regular toys, no not weird at all. He's actually very happy that she finds his work fun and Interesting than other toys.


He's impressed that your son isn't loud or rowdy. He's just a calm and collected child. It's not like he isn't around them, he loves him very much but he's just confused on how your son is so well mannered. Babysitting is usually easy, they do play a few games here and there or they just sit and colour. He doesn't mind babysitting the kid it's just he worried that he isn't entertaining enough, he's especially worried that his kid will grow tired of him.



He carries her everywhere. He puts her in his jacket and walks around like it's a normal everyday thing. She absolute loves him, and he loves her. They play games together and doesn't like anyone else but her dad to watch her. She'd choose you over her dad though, when you're not there she wants no one by her side other then her dad. He loves just how adorable she can be. She cries when he leaves to get something or just needs to leave for work.


Your son follows in his footsteps. Not in a mean way but I'm Nikolai's gentlemanly way. Nikolai is you boys world. He's the one who tells him right from wrong and how to do something. He's an exact mini version of Nikolai, only...cuter? Naw just kidding, they're both cuties. Seriously, I think your son would look like a baby Nikolai when he was younger. Sometimes you tease them but by calling your son Nikolai and Nikolai a baby.



Much like his 1.0 self, he loves her very much. She somewhat dislikes the 3 other guys. It's funny because one time Richtofen tried to introduce himself to her, and all she did was scream. She isn't your typical baby girl who loves pink, and watches kid shows. Anything her dad does, she does. She is super spoiled by her father, sometimes she runs around and pretends to be a marine too.


He's great, your son is. He isn't one to complain or be everywhere at once. He is however very curious on what's what, especially his fathers way of being a D.I. Sometimes he wants his dad to be a little tough on him because it just makes him feel big and strong, strict is his was of showing love. Strange for a kid to say that when most are very sensitive, what's works works. It keeps both your son and husband happy.


He'll go to heaven and back for her. She's his #1 priority and it'll always be that way. He is very proud of her and she just doesn't know how much she looks and acts like her father. She can be funny and goofy but there are times when she's serious and can be rude to people. I know, a very 'Takeo' thing to do, whatever she finds interesting and cool about her dad she follows. And he doesn't mind, maybe the being rude to people he actually takes the blame for because who would want to go up to a little girl, say hi and her response is to back off with the most serious expression ever? No one.

He can be who he wants to be from time to time. He can be very sweet and generous to hyper to tired or just chill. For some reason he doesn't get mad and that's what Takeo likes when he babysits. He doesn't have to worry about a child throwing a fit or crying hysterically because of something that's unknown to him. He will however turn things down politely. His father doesn't mind playing games with him, just as long as he stays out of trouble then he's alright in his book.
Hey, sorry for not updating for awhile, I know some of you are upset for the lack of chapter but I promise you guys that the next few will be very...cute, or fluffy? You'll like you though!

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