What they say/thought about you at first

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He knew his work was important, but you were just to beautiful to resist. He so badly wanted to talk to you but didn't have the words or courage to stand next to you. He figured he might as well just stay away, he was doing fine but not until you came and asked what he was doing. He just blushed and explained that he wanted to find some medicine for people. You founded his work to be very interesting and ended up closer than he thought you'd be. He wasn't complaining but he loved it.


You looked... interesting, to say the least. Of course he'd love to talk to you but it was just a little hard considering he didn't know how to introduce himself without seeming like he has been watching you. Eventually he got to courage and just straight up just said 'hi.' That's it, just one word, but it got to you, you both got a long pretty good that night.you had many things in common, he watched you smile and look away. You were just to damn pretty.


This man doesn't take shit from no one, he seen you and knew this was a one time thing and very rare to come by such a fine angel. He hyped himself up like he usually does, he walked up to you and made a joke about the German who happened to be mad at a piece of paper, you laughed, making a joke there too. You both had your back and forths. He never knew such a fine and wonderful energetic person existed.


Takeo figured you were more trouble then you looked. He knew you were special, that aura you had around you was very calming and your laugh sounded heavenly. Your words sounded like velvet and he could listen to you for hours. You turned and seen him looking at you, you smiled and walked over to him. Holding a friendly conversation, the guys never seen Takeo so happy before. They all wanted you to come and hang out with them too!

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