You're sad

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Richtofen will drop everything just to be at your side. Nothings more important than you, if he was hurt more than you, he'd still come up to you. Then himself. Of course he knows how to fix you up but sometimes your feelings are a little harder. A lot of people pushed him away as a kid, especially his mother and sister. He never really got along with his father, In fact, he never speaks about it. He does hold your hand, if it's bad then he'll just automatically bring you into his loving arms. He just doesn't want anything happening to you.


Nikolai understand whatever it is your going through, he's had what? 6 wives? He gets how they react and what needs they require. You were always different though, you bottled yourself up for so long you just let everything go on him. His hugs are very comforting and warm. Whatever it is you need to hear or want, he's there. He doesn't really understand why you keep everything to yourself but then understands that he does that too and shuts up. Although, His words of encouragement are sweet and mean a lot.


Whatever's bring his lover down won't stand for long. He wraps you up in his jacket and hold you. He knows exactly how you feel, especially with this new world and danger around every corner. Sometimes people need time to get themselves together. He whispers into your ear and strokes your hair as you lean against his chest. He sometimes opens up about his past, telling you about his time in the army and what he wanted to do. How he couldn't stop thinking about you the first time you both met, and how he just couldn't lay his eyes off you. Sometimes you just need him to hold you.


This man knows almost everything. He's stuck around his wife long enough to understand. Especially with the 9 months she had to go through. He'll except any affection you need. If you want to lay down with him he'll do it. If you need a kiss, he's there. He completely changes when he knows something is up, he'll do whatever it takes to get whatever's on your mind off. He can be very helpful, he'll talk to you about how to handle your situation and asks if there's anything he can do. He hates having to know that your fighting your own battle yourself.

Call of Duty Zombies Preferences-ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora