"Oh yeah?"

"Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourselves?"

"Hmm, let's think . . .maybe Lord Voldemort?" I smirked as the atmosphere of the classroom changed.

"Ten points from Gryffindor, Mr Potter," Umbridge said as the class fell silent, but she continued to speak about Voldemort and how it was just a lie. After she gave Harry detention his anger was visible on his face.

"So, according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord, did he?" Harry asked.

I winced but turned to (BF/N), "Yeah, drop-dead gorgeous." She passed me an incredulous look before shaking her head and sighing in exasperation.

"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident," she said coldly.

"A tragic accident?" I asked, amused, "That's what you say? A tragic accident? It was no "accident", Professor and you know it! I mean, what do you say about him walking the corridors now, A magical miracle?"

She remained silent, "Detention, Miss -?"


After the classes, I went back to the astronomy tower which had almost been dubbed as Cedric and my go-to spot. And as I predicted he was sitting there, staring at the sunsetting sky.

"Hello," I said, taking a seat beside him, "How was your day,"

"Awful," he replied, leaning his head on my shoulder after kissing the spot, "They look at me like I am some sort of ghost and either avoid me like a plague or crowd around me like I am a celebrity and overall it just sucks," he said groaning and burying his head more into my shoulder.

I sighed, resting my head against his. An idea formed into my head, I pulled him up by taking hold of his hand.

"When the world sucks, just dance," a small smile formed in his face as he saw me grinning giddily, "and the world always sucks-"

"So, always dance," he completed, encasing my hand in his, chuckling, he pulled me closer starting to sway slowly.

"When all the other boys start to laugh and jeer, I know a secret way you can make them disappear," I sang, looking at him in the eyes and we continued staying there dancing together and speaking until we had returned to our common rooms when I told him about my detention.

"Uh, Cedric?" I said, intertwining my fingers with his.

"Yes," he said, looking at me sceptically.

I shifted my weight from one foot to another, suddenly feeling nervous for some reason, "I might have landed myself in a detention with Umbridge,"

Cedric sighed, "I expected,"

"You did?" I asked, looking at him through my lashes.

"Mhm, I know you well enough to sense you won't be able to keep shut at that moment,"

I looked away, and gulped, "She was talking about you."

Cedric took a deep breath, and pulled me into his arms looking down at me apologetically, "She is trying to get information about that...incident, prying me to tell her about it,"

"That toad," I groaned burying my head into his chest, "Oh, and I may have even told her an extremely dangerous half breed,"

Cedric's eyes widened, "What?"

I grinned, "Called her an extremely dangerous breed of human and toad,"

His eyes were still widened but a laugh escaped his lips.

"I think we'd better check with Puddlemere United whether Oliver Wood's been killed during a training session because she seems to be channelling his spirit," Harry said after he was warned by Angelina for the quidditch tryouts.

I laughed, "I side him, we might have to take a look,"

"Ah, Mr Potter, Miss. (YL/N), come in," Umbridge said, greeting us inside in her pinkish classroom.

She asked Harry to write 'I must not tell lies' and me to 'I must not support lies'.

This went on for days until the line was imprinted on the back of both of our hands.

I felt a tap on my head as I chatted casually to (BF/N) at breakfast that morning. I turned around to look at Cedric who wiggled his finger beckoning me to follow him. His eyes were straight and untethered by the looks we got as he sauntered down the corridor.

"Give me your hand," he said, no emotion detectable in his voice.

"Uh," I laughed nervously, "It's alright, nothing happened to my hand," but Cedric took none of those and pried my hand into his.

His thumb traced over the word and he exhaled sharply through his nose. I gulped, "Cedric?"

He suddenly looked up, and I was beyond startled, his calm grey eyes held rage, not just a mere flicker of it rather it swirled like a storm. In these past months, I had been with him, I had never seen him this angry, it was new to me perhaps scary.

"That toad," he hissed through gritted teeth. He released his hold on my hand and marched in the direction of Umbridge's office.

"Ced, Cedric, wait!" I called after him, rushing to take hold of his arm and halt his fast movements.

At the same time and shoulder roughly collided against me, "You bloody-" I cursed as I turned around to look at Malfoy smirking at me.

"Bloody? Bloody what, (YL/N)?" He asked mockingly.

"Draco Malloy," I said, mispronouncing his name. I didn't have to look back at Cedric to know he was smiling and Malfoy before me looked taken aback, his face scrunched, "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy,"

"Yes, that what I said, Malloy," I replied, tugging Cedric away from the place.

"I despise that toad!" He yelled angrily, pacing before me, "How could she do this!?"

I sighed, "I dunno, Cedric, you just don't land yourself in detention with that...thing, ok?"

"You try not to either," he said sternly and glared at me before his eyes softened and engulfed me in a warm hug. 

A Promise To Forever...(Cedric Diggory x reader)Where stories live. Discover now