Meeting The Stacy's

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    Gwen kissed me and we continued talking. George came back with food and we ate "Didn't want you to be stuck with hospital jello" he said. "Thank you George. And thank you for the whole identity secret thing" I said. "Your welcome Y/n" George said. "I actually have something to tell you dad" Gwen said "Yes gwen?" George asked "I'm Ghost-Spider" Gwen said and George laughed "Thats funny" George said "She's being serious" I said. Gwen jumped up and stuck to the ceiling.

"You knew" George asked. "I'm sorry, but that was not my secret to tell" I said. "Its okay" George said. "Dad, so now you know, we are spider people, Luke knows about Y/n too, not me" Gwen explained.

"Yes george?"
"Thank you for being you, I respect your drive to do good, and your willingness to sacrifice yourself for the greater good. I salute you"
"Thank you sir"
"It is amazing, the man you are, you had to become one too fast, but your mom would be proud of you, I'm proud of you."
"I am too Y/n"
"Thank you guys"

    We talked a bit longer and they were gonna leave, I told them that they could stay if they wanted, and they did. I woke up the next morning and Gwen was asleep, using George's shoulder as a pillow, it may seem creepy, but I watched her sleep, she looked peaceful. After a bit longer she woke up, along with Mr. Stacy "Good morning" I said to the pair, Mr. Stacy went to get a coffee and Gwen stayed here.

"So what are we"
"What do you mean Y/n?"
"I love you, and you love me too, so where does that leave us?"
"It leaves you my boyfriend"
"I'm glad"

    The doctor released me and we left the Stacy's invited me for lunch, Gwen stayed at my house till then, we watched TV, and made out until she helped me walk to her house, I had a broken arm so I couldn't swing. When I got to her house, we walked in. Mrs. Stacy was in the kitchen "Hi Mrs. Stacy" I said, waving my cast "Hello, Y/n, and please call me Helen" she said "Okay, Helen" Gwen took me to her brother's room, inside he was playing Warzone, I stopped her from saying hi, i had something to say instead, "Howard Stacy, this is Y/n L/n signing on, where we dropping" I said and Gwen giggled, Howard turned and dropped his controller in disbelief, "Is that really?" He asked Gwen and she nodded. I talked with Howard about it and Gwen went off to talk to her mom. Soon later I heard, "Lunch is ready" Helen said and we all sat down at the dinner table, there was small talk and Gwen's parents asked to know a little about me.

"There's not much, I uh, I'm a senior, I live alone, I like video games and I play music."
"You're a musician? What do you play"
"Guitar, piano, drums, etc"
"Gwen is a drummer too"
"Yeah, I actually taught her a few things."

    I was talking with Helen when Howard asked me a question.

"You forgot to say something"
"What would that be"
"Your spiderman"
"I think I would know if I was super strong and could swing around on webs"

    Gwen spoke up "He did punch through a door" She said. "Gwen" I scolded.

"You punched through a door?"
"Yeah, but what makes you think I'm spiderman?"
"There was a video on the news, and on youtube, you were fighting that black thing and your mask was off, it was you"
"could I see that video?"

    I watched the video, I didn't realize there was a news chopper there. later in the video it showed me getting put into the ambulance

"That's… interesting"
"So you are spiderman?"

    Everyone but Gwen and George were shocked I admitted it. "Did you know Gwen?" Helen asked "Yes mom, he told me" Gwen said. "Thank you Y/n for all of your heroics" Helen said. "Your welcome" I returned

    We finished lunch and I got a call from Luke, he knew my suit was bad and he made me a new one, I collected the suit from him, it was metal, it had a white hood and was black with red detailing, Luke said it would shrink into a metal disk the size of a credit card so it was easy to carry around, it could also appear as any clothes I wanted and it had a shield and two combat sticks that I could fight with, there was spider legs that came from my back and fins on my arms, the suit had lots of tech including an intelligence system, like a virtual assistant designed for spider man tasks. It also worked like a regular one. "Thanks Luke, and I'll take the ring back, I won't use it but I wanna keep it" I said and I left. 

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