Drunken Mess

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I sat with him in silence until he stopped crying he got up and went to doctor his bleeding knuckles, once he did that he took off his jacket and put on a new shirt, one that didn't have his blood on it and then he came out of his room.

Y/n Pov

I had just finished wrapping my knuckles and I changed clothes, I came back out into the living room.where Gwen was "I have to go explain to my dad where I was but I'll be back later, you gonna be okay?" Gwen asked "I haven't been okay in a while" I said serious and Gwen left. I sat on the couch, thinking about it all "I don't think she really cares about you" Venom said.

"No your wrong"
"Am I, she left you alone for a year and. now she wants to be all buddy buddy, she's so ashamed of you she won't tell her dad that she chose to spend the night with you."
"Be quiet"
"Gwen broke you and now your going back to her, thats a bitch move"

I punched a whole in the wall as I yelled that last bit, I went to my cabinet and braved the bottle of whiskey I had been keeping, it was full. I had drank before but I tried not to, right now I need it. I just kept drinking it, and listening to sad music from my speakers and ignoring whatever Venom said to me, after a while Gwen got back.

Gwen Pov

I opened Y/n's door and walked in, noticing a whole in the wall. Y/n was on the couch, an empty bottle of whiskey in front of him, he was barely conscious he was so drunk. He started talking to me when he noticed I was here, he slurred his speech

"Hey pretty lady"
"You have blonde hair, it looks kinda like a girl I know"
"Thats cool"

I said that last bit to Y/n and I started to help get him to his bed and he started talking again "You remember that girl I said about earlier, I love her, but she broke up with me and made me really sad, I don't like her for that, but I still love her, isn't that weird" Y/n said with a laugh and I stopped in my tracks dropping my arms from Y/n. A second later I heard a thud and Y/n was on the ground next to me "Heh, that hurt," He said. "But guess what, im spiderman" Y/n aimed for the soda can on his table but ended up pulling his lamp to him with his web, and it hit him in the face. "Ow, i'm so clumsy" He said and after I returned with a glass of water for him.

"Here drink this"
"What is it, are you trying to poison me"
"No, its vodka"

    Y/n reached for it and drank it all, very fast and put on a bad russian accent "Danke for ze spirits comrade" He said, Y/n was a delirious"Your welcome" I said and I went out to his living room, I stayed there to keep an eye on him, after finishing a movie I heard Y/n from his room "No... No no no no, come on Peter, wake up.... No!" He stumbled out here, wearing jeans and no shirt and he was sweating a lot. "Oh god" He groaned and went to his cabinet, he took something for his hangover and sat at his table. He saw me and asked "Who are you?" He picked up a knife and got closer to me, he swung it at me but I caught his arm "Chill Y/n, it's me, Its Gwen"

"Gwen? Sorry, hangover does not mix well with nightmares"
"What were they about"
"Didn't you hear me screaming in my sleep"
"I don't remember much after you left, just picking up a bottle of..."

    Y/n's eyes went wide as he continued "Picking up a bottle of whiskey and starting to drink it, was I drunk" He asked "Yeah you were drunk I replied "What did I day, drunk Y/n tends to have a blabber mouth" He said embarrassed "Nothing, you were just going on about how you were spiderman," I left out what he said about me, I didn't want him to die of embarrassment in front of me "You fell, too, and you ended up sending a lamp flying into your face" He reached his hand up and felt a mark from the lamp "Oof" He said as he walked to the table and got out his school stuff

"Give me a minute to get my bearings and then we can start"
"Its okay, we have time, you have a hangover"
"That's why I need a few minutes"
"Okay... let's get started"

I started to teach Y/n and he was able to memorize everything and he passed the quiz on everything "Good job, your essay was amazing, you could make a career as an author" I complimented "Yeah, i'm not made to sit at a desk 9-5" He replied and pulled out his phone to order food, we were both used to the routine by now

"Put your phone away"
"I'm paying"
"No your not"
"Yes I am"
"I will throw your phone out the window"
"I know you will, but you won't"
"I'll still take your phone"
"Yeah right"
"I'm paying"
"You help me study, I buy dinner"
"hmm, how bout I pay this time"
"I already ordered"
"I got wings, you like teriyaki right?"

I forgot how slick he was, I just looked at him shaking my head in disbelief. "You having a seizure" Y/n joked as he walked over to our monopoly game.

"Nope just annoyed at you"
"What else is new"
"Just that your gonna lose"
"Really, I have the most properties and most money, I have a higher chance of winning than you do"
"Well see"

We played monopoly for a while, Y/n was right, he had collected about 1000 dollars of monopoly money from me just for rent, he used my money to put the small houses on all of his properties, man he was good at this game, the doorbell rang and Y/n got the food.

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