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I was very sore when I went to school the next morning and had been holding my side, where Cap hit me with his shield. Gwen noticed I was in pain and she came to talk to me at lunch "What happened last night"
"I had a run in with SHIELD"
"THE shield, as in the avengers?"
"You knew about them?"
"Yes, so what happened? Don't leave out anything, start after I left to go take care of the wounded in the building"
"I tried to stop the chopper but I had to jump to it from the roof, in the air a drone caught me and brought me to a field where I fought and defeated Black Widow, I ran off after and met Captain America. His shield hurts by the way, it's probably why I have a bruise in my side too, any higher and I'd have cracked ribs.

"Oh Y/n, i'm sorry I couldn't help"
"Its fine, i'm a big boy, I can take care of myself"
"I know I was just worried when you didn't stop by last night"
"It was 6 in the morning when I got home"
"No wonder you look so tired"
"You would be too after getting beat up by the world's strongest supersoldier"
"I would be too, yes"
"Look, your gonna be at my place a lot this week so, here you can BORROW your old key till we're finished with studying"
"Thanks Y/n, and besides why would I use it after, not much to look at there"

    What she said made me laugh "Ow" I said in pain as It hurts to laugh. I spent the rest of lunch talking with Gwen, we just talked about random stuff I hadn't told her about Venom and I didn't plan to "You should tell her how you feel" Venom told me and I told him in my head that I wasn't going to as the bell rang.

Broken - Book 1 (Gwen-Stacy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now