Help, Please!

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The next morning I slept in, didn't do much that day, just watched Netflix with my police radio on the coffee table. "All units, we got a group of perpetrators robbing a museum. "Who that fuck robs a museum, did Indiana Jones teach you nothing" I said to myself as I put on my spider suit and jumped out my window. I landed on the top of the museum by a skylight, which I opened and dropped down to a gargoyle on the wall, using it as a vantage point.

    I scoped out the scene and found out they were trying to steal a diamond the size of a basketball they looked like they were part of a bigger group so I chose to let them think they took the diamond and let them lead me to their hideout. I followed them to a sewer, which gave me a grave idea "Not the lizard" I said to myself and then I was hit into a wall "Oh yes the lizard" a growly voice said to me and I turned to it and saw a giant green, you guessed it, lizard.

    "I did not need this today" I said as I ran to try to get him to an area that is easier to fight in, I hopped through a grate and let the water carry me to a sort of cave in the pipes, a big room with the sewer water running through the middle and plenty of concrete on either side. I wait close to the opening where lizard would come through and ambushed him when he did, I jumped on his back and used my webs to blind him and try to strangle him, but he just threw me off. "Why are you so slimy" I said as I flicked the slime off my hands and ran at him, shot my webs which the lizard caught and pulled me towards him, slashing my chest with his claws "Argh" I screaming in pain "those cannot be clean" I said and ran at him pretended to shoot my webs to try to throw him off and it worked, I slid under his legs and webed his arms to his sides, covering his whole body in webs and putting all my might into one punch, knocking him out. I saw him turn back to his human form, I then picked him up and dropped him In the back alley of the police station, webbing him there… heavily incase he turned reptilian again.

    "Aargh" I groaned as my adrenaline rush wore down and all the pain and sickness rushed into me I started swinging, acting on instinct going I don't know where not stopping until I arrived outside a familiar window and pulled off my mask.

Gwen Pov

    I was in my room doing homework when I heard a knock at my window, I looked over and saw a figure topple into my room with a thud "What was that Gwen?" My father asked "Nothing dad, I just dropped a book" I replied "Okay, be careful honey" My dad responded. I looked back at the figure and saw that he was wearing red and blue and had brown hair. "Y/n!" I asked worriedly and I turned him over to see it was Y/n, and there were three large gashes on my chest. "Help" He said and I went to grab the first aid kit I kept for my own spider-related injuries and returned to Y/n. "What happened" I asked as I pulled his suit down to his chest so that I could focus on his wounds. "This- Ow" He said as the suit unstuck from some of his dried blood "was a parting gift from the lizard"

"Oh Y/n, i'm so sorry"
"I'll be fine, and sorry for coming here, I didn't know where else to go"
"Its okay Y/n, I don't mind"
"Your dad will when he finds the blood stains on your carpet"
"Oh, so cracking jokes like normal are we?"
"Never in too much pain for a joke"
"Right you are"
    I finished putting bandages around Y/n's chest "All finished princess." I teased woth a smile "Hey" Y/n said a but agitated. I went to one of my drawers and pulled out the clothes that I had for Y/n, we always kept an extra outfit at each other's places, for whenever it may be needed. "Thanks" He said when I handed them to him and he went to the bathroom to change, when Y/n returned he put his suit in his backpack, which he had brought. I had heard a few winces from the bathroom, I'm guessing from the pain.

"Thank you for your help tonight Gwen, if I hadn't come here who knows, I might just be a corpse in an alley"
"Don't joke about that"
"Its okay"
"Thanks again for the help, i'll see you at school tomorrow"

    Y/n said those last words and started heading back towards the window but I said 

"Stay, I just bought a new movie the other day and haven't had a chance to watch it yet, wanna watch it with me?"
"That entirely depends on what the movie is called"
"Ready Player One"
"That is a great movie"
"You've seen it?"
"Yeah, Luke wouldn't shut up about it so I watched it with him and then I got my own copy it was so good, definitely worth more than the $10 I paid for it"
"$10! I payed 20, fucking bestbuy"
"you buy movies at best buy? There are 4 places you look for movies, first it's Randall's, then Walmart, then Target, Amazon."
"Well now I know"

Broken - Book 1 (Gwen-Stacy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now