Raising Anna

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Hey everyone, nice to meet you all, yes yes the Harry fix obvi here we go!

There will be discussion of sexual themes and some tw subjects throughout the book but I'll let you know at the start of each chapter, thanks for coming xoxo

*also, I'm just going to leave the picture there*

Freshman Year


The wheels on my pink spotted suitcase stuck and stuttered on the way upstairs, the weight of it becoming a chore to drag.

Mom and Dad should be glad they couldn't get tickets to drop me off, they would have been carrying my luggage for me.

The stares I was getting were freaking me out, all these pretty people with their designer highlights and little handbags, they could smell the financial aid on me, I was sure of it.

I finally made it up the million flights of stairs- although it seemed as though my pesky hair was never going to leave me alone- and paused to take a breather, 'wow I'm out of shape'.

"Freshmen, please move to your dorms as quickly as you can, getting settled is key." The perky blonde guide announced through a megaphone.

'What does that even mean?' I snarked in my head, 'getting settled is key?'

Louis Vuitton duffel bags and Chanel carry ons whizzed past me in a blur of brown leather, everything was so chic and put together.

And there I stood, in my holey jeans and beat up converse. I felt out of place.

I knew Harvard wasn't a place people like me went to often, it was for the rich and fortunate, but I couldn't help it when the application came across my desk.

A writing competition for a full ride, 'what would you do with your Harvard education?' Five thousand words or less.

It was written and sent in a couple of hours, then forgotten about for months. I didn't think for a second I'd win, and yet here I was.

604... 604... I gasped, "604."

The door was unlocked, thank fully, and it opened to reveal a very pink room, furry cushions, a shag rug and lava lamps of different sizes all over the place.

'Wow' I thought to myself, it all looked so... expensive, aren't dorms supposed to be a wreck, shower caddies and broken facilities, things like that.

"Hello?" I called into the living space, letting the door close behind me. "Is, um-."

I took a peek at the paper with my roommates name written on it, "Olivia here?"

There was a bang and then a thud from behind one of the doors, "shit." a voice muttered and then there was a shuffling noise.

I furrowed my eyebrows at the three doors in front of me, wondering what could possibly be happening.

The door in the centre opened to reveal a tall, curly haired girl tying her silk robe shut, "Hi." She chirps, "You must be Anna."

I smiled and nodded, "you're Olivia?"

"Ollie." The girl smiled back and there was another bang from behind the door, "Niall, for God's sake!"

Her voice went from chipper to roaring, a growl rising from the back of her throat when she yelled at him, I take a step back.

"Sorry, that's my... that's Niall," Ollie laughed, "we were just- uh, breaking the place in."

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