IV. 5th Rehearsals and Preventing Drunk Friends

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Aisha's POV:

I (refer image) walked to the room and Darshan was already there. HE was early? I put my bag away and indicated for him to join me for the warmups. I was really angry today. Riaan was gonna go propose to a girl who was so not good for him. I explained to him for hours on end and we got into a fight. Darshan wasn't helping matters too. He was purposefully doing the wrong steps. "Darshan!! Will you follow what I'm doing?" I roared. He flinched back, walking backwards two steps. "Why are you getting angry?" He asked. "Get to work. NOW," I ordered and he got back to work. After some time, I asked him to take a break and sat down by the wall. "Aisha, what's wrong?" Darshan asked. I ignored him. Bad idea. He walked up to me and hugged me. I pulled away. "Tell me. You'll feel better," he insisted. "Oh no. I never feel better after talking to you. Please, stay away," I said, walking to the centre of the room and gesturing him to get to work. He danced alongside me for a long while until my phone rang. I finished up with the last few minutes of practice and walked to my phone. Aarav. "Hi," I greeted, placing my hand on the back of my neck and cracked my neck a little. "Natasha ne manaa kar diya and Riaan wants to get drunk. Daaru kahan chupaaun?" Aarav asked, urgently. "Mere sar pe. Bola tha maine. You know what, peene de saale ko. Let him get drunk. Idiot," I snapped. "Ash," he said, calmly. "What Ash, Aarav? What Ash? I knew this would happen and he would become a crying mess. I am gonna slap him. You know what, I don't care anymore. He knows that my intuitions are usually right. He chose not to believe me and now HE CAN SUFFER. Daaru tu mere ghar pe chupa de. Even better, toss it in the gutter," I grumbled. "Okay, you are mad. I am going to leave you alone. Bye," he laughed. I tossed my phone in my backpack and sat down, my head hitting the wall hard. "Ugh," I half-yelled, gritting my teeth. "Okay, you are going crazy. What's wrong?" Darshan asked. "Stay away from me Darshan!! You don't need to help me with anything," I yelled and made him do his stretches before grabbing my bag and leaving him. He followed me and pinned me to my car. "I don't think this is about Riaan," he whispered, caressing my forehead. "It is about Riaan. Natasha is not the girl for him. She is notorious for cheating on her boyfriends," I snapped. "Aisha. You don't freak out so much for a friend," he said. "But, I DO FREAK OUT WHEN PEOPLE DON'T TRUST MY DAMN JUDGEMENT," I yelled and pushed him away from me. He kissed my forehead and I gritted my teeth. "Why don't you understand that you cant do this BS to get me back? I know you want me back. Guess what? I don't. I WANT SOMEONE WHO ISN'T A CHEATER!! Someone who actually loves me. I already asked you to keep it professional. So, KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL," I hollered and drove off. 

Darshan's POV:

I sat down in my car and took a breath. She called me a cheater. Isn't that what I was? I kissed and made out with Amaira behind her back. Tears ran down my cheeks. I realised how much I hurt her. I left her all alone when she needed someone. She even lost her parents 6 months into coming here. She was barely 16. And she didn't have anyone to talk to. Nobody loved her. Nobody who'd pull her to their chest and tell her everything would be fine. I'd left her all alone, deserted. I wanted to hold her and tell her I loved her. But, I couldn't. She didn't want me back. She didn't want to be close to me. She wanted someone who loved her to pieces. Not me. She wanted someone who'd pull her into their lap and kiss her lips and love her and play with hair. Someone who she could come home to. Someone who'd cook for her and eat with her while watching a movie. Someone who'd pick her up and cuddle her and tell her they love her. Someone who tickles her and squishes her face and teases her neck. She once had me, and I broke her heart. She lost the two permanent people she had. And, I cheated on her. She was truly broken. And, I couldn't help her. 

A/N: I thought I'd give you guys a gift for waiting for me, patiently. And not bombing me. Thank you so much for waiting. It really means a lot. Love you...😘😘💙💙

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