Bonus - "Tomato Cheeks"

Start from the beginning

He lowered his chopsticks before long.

I swallowed hard. "What is it this time? It tastes like a horse took a dump and I offered it to you? Or maybe like feet after an intense track and field meet?"

Utterly mute, Kamakiri beckoned me closer.

My lungs squeezed. Oh, gosh. It was so bad he didn't want to waste time spelling it out for me? Well, what did I expect? Impressing him with my cooking was a long shot. This outcome was far more realistic.

Burying my apprehension, I shuffled up to him. On my knees, I ducked my head, unable to meet his gaze.

He ruffled my hair.

My torso recoiled.

Indifference or repulsion were the last things present on his countenance. Rather, it was an expression I couldn't quite decipher.

Confusion bubbled within me. "Wh-why are you petting me. . . ?"

"Even dogs need positive reinforcement when they do something good."

Slack-jawed, my heart swelled. "You mean—"

He let his arm fall. "It wasn't bad."

Time moved in slow motion.

I couldn't believe my ears.

"R-really? It wasn't?"

Spotting my ear-splitting grin, and definitely sparkling eyes, his lips downturned.

"Don't get so happy. I didn't say it was good."

"But, but, you never praised me like this before!" I clasped my palms, giggling. "Yay! I can't believe it. If something like this isn't bad, it'll only be a matter of time before it is good. Then, then, you'll smile. . ."

Kamakiri's eyes widened the slightest. Bashfully, he rotated away. "That day won't come, idiot. Besides, find some other interest than my smile."

Tittering, I laid my hands on my lap. "I'm curious, though. I want to see what kind of smile you'll show when I serve you something delicious. Tasty food is sure to bring one out of people."

"You've seen me smile tons of times."

"Not a genuine one," I argued. "Some part of them are obnoxious. I'm sure you'd look a lot better if you wore them often. Not to mention more approachable. Oh, like when I first met you. I never saw you without one and each and every time you were so—"

My heart slammed against my ribcage, shutting me right up. What was I saying? What was I going to say?

This and that Kamakiri were two different people. I mean, technically they were the same, but that Kamakiri was fake. The one I fell in love with never existed, therefore my first crush—and all the emotions I'd experienced because of him—was automatically void.

"Hmm." Unbeknownst to me, Kamakiri had lessened the distance between us. His smirk was present, brown eyes boring into mine. "Now I'm curious. I was what?"

My cheeks flamed. "N-nothing."

"It didn't look like nothing to me. If it was, I doubt you'd be blushing this much." His amusement broadened. "Say, was I really that good-looking? I must've been, considering you liked me so much."


He wanted to give me a heart attack.

I couldn't answer that! No, I refused to. I wasn't giving into his tease.

"I recall no such thing," I gritted out.

"That so? I remember it very clearly. You'd get so happy whenever I talked to you, then would fidget and blush, and struggle to get a word out. Your head was filled to the brim with thoughts of me. . ."

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