Chapter 28

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Welcome to Chapter 28 - yep you are been treated to a double update - here is the next chapter - enjoy!!

Sheriff's POV

I was informed by the Deputy at the scene that Stiles had arrived and had taken control of the situation, I knew this should concern me but i know Stiles can handle this.

There was nothing I could do but wait and listen with the others to the news coverage and the radio chatter coming in from the scene.

Everyone was surrounding Parrish's desk holding their breathe waiting for news not only on the hostages but also that Stiles is safe.

Everyone had been so worried when he had gone missing and were so relived when he was found. They had seen him grow from a tiny squirming baby to a strong powerful FBI agent who was now their colleague and friend.

Rafael had arrived an hour earlier after he heard that Scott was one of the hostages and that Stiles had take control of the situation.

He has changed so much over the past few years, mainly since Stiles had started working for the FBI and they had developed a close relationship. He was such a rock to myself and everyone during Stiles's disappearance and was the one who fought the hardest for Stiles to remain in Beacon Hills once he had recovered.

A radio message came in which caused me to panic a bit but I knew I had to trust Stiles:

'Agent Stilinski advise me to state that Operation Great Escape has begun. Packages should arrive at station with Sourwolf in ETA 30 minutes'

I chucked when I heard both the Operation name and who would be bringing the hostages back to the station, only Stiles would come up with these names.

We waited in silence until we heard the bell ring to signal the door opening and in walked Derek with Scott, Lydia, Minho, Gally, the cashier and bank manager all of who looked unharmed.

After hugs were distributed around with relief spreading over everyone's face, two of the deputies took the bank manager and cashier to get checked over and to collect there statement.

"Derek, where is Stiles?" I ask trying to hide the concern I was feeling even though I knew they could sense it.

"He decided to remain behind, he stated he had a job to complete." Scott explained as he broke away from the hug his Dad had engulfed him in on his arrival.

"Sheriff, Scott, Derek and Rafael you might want to see this." Lydia shouted from where she was stood with Minho and Gally watching the new footage.

Once we all reached her we looked at the television just as the reporter went back to the live footage from the bank.

'Moments a go, multiple gun shots came raining from the bank windows on the first floor. You can see that there appear to be two men fighting inside the bank.'

We watched as the camera zoomed in just as Stiles disarms the robber of the gun but he was then quickly hit with punch after punch before he fell down just out of the view of the window with the robber stood over him

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We watched as the camera zoomed in just as Stiles disarms the robber of the gun but he was then quickly hit with punch after punch before he fell down just out of the view of the window with the robber stood over him.

I was holding my breathe as I watched the screen knowing there was nothing I could do as by time I got down there it would all be over.

"What's that in his hand?" Minho asked looking at the robbers hand closely.

"It's a detonator!" Rafael shouted out grabbing the radio off the desk before shouting into it quickly for everyone to draw back with immediate affect.

My eyes were glued to the screen as I watch Stiles get up from the ground and run towards the man shoulder first sending them both hurtling through the window as the bank exploded.

"Stiles!!" I scream before grabbing the radio from Rafael's hands.

"Stiles, answer me!" I shout into the radio only hearing static on the other end



"Mieczyslaw Stilinski, you answer me right now"


Still no answer was heard only the crackling of static as everyone was either holding their breath or crying.

"To all officers in the vicinity of Beacon Hills Bank, this is Sheriff Stilinski, I need a visual confirmation on Agent Stiles Stilinski" I state into radio hoping he was with someone and had a very good reason for not answering his radio

"Sir this is Deputy Bradshaw, I am sorry sir but that is a negative. Search and rescue have just arrived on scene but they are not hopeful to locate any survivors based on the size of the explosion." The Deputy answers through the radio as my heart drops as I take a seat dropping the radio on to the desk.

"Agent Stilinski, this is your commanding officer. Please respond!!" Rafael stated into the radio but again only the static of a broken radio was heard.                                                             

Thank you for reading, new chapter will be up soon!!!                                                                                                                     

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