Chapter 14

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Welcome to Chapter 14 - yep treated to a double update today - I just want to say a massive thank you for everyone's patience while I get my stories reloaded - here is the next chapter!

I heard the ambulance arrive behind us but I was stuck where I was, I knew he had opened his eyes but I couldn't hear his heart beating yet.

"Scott, you need to let him go so we can help him." Mum said placing her hand on my shoulder.

I moved so they could work and stood next to Derek, Minho and the Sheriff, they couldn't speak but the look of gratitude on there face told me everything.

"Stiles, can you hear me?" Mum asked him shining a light into his eyes but there was no response or reaction. This was not right.

"What's going on?" Sheriff asks as they start adding sticky pads over him.

"Give us a moment please?" Mum replied while loading the monitor up.

The paramedic were looking at each other and my mum with confused looks on there faces, it was like they had no idea what was happening with him.

"Someone right now needs to tell me what is happening to my son!" The Sheriff shouted at those around his son.

"We don't know, he has no heartbeat and isn't breathing but he is opening and closing his eyes. Its like his body has shut down but his mind is still alive. We have never seen anything like this so we don't know what to do as technically he is dead." Mum explained.

"So basically its like when someone is hit with Kanima venom but 10 times worse." I ask.

Before anyone could answer me my phone went off, it was a message from the unknown number. I quickly read it out loud:

Check my pocket, don't worry you still got me. I think

I ran over and checked his pockets and found a vial inside a medicine dispenser, I noticed a note attached:


Without thinking, I grabbed it and stabbed it into his chest praying this would work as I did it. I noticed everyone around me looking at me like I am crazy but I couldn't focus on anyone else apart from Stiles.

A gasp was heard from below me and Stiles shot up from the ground causing me and everyone else to jump back in surprise. He looked around checking out his surroundings, a confused look came across his face as he realised that he was not at the Hospital.

"Scott? What's going on?" He asks as I notice the colour drain from his face as he pass out, the paramedics catch him before he hits his head on the floor.

"Lets get him back to the hospital, Scott was in that vial you gave him?" Mum enquired

"I don't know, there was a note that said 'INJECT INTO CHEST TO REVERSE POISION', I kinda didn't stop to think what it could be." I admit showing them the note.

As the ambulance left to take Stiles, Mum and Lydia back to the hospital, I remembered about Parrish who just stood to the side since I took Stiles from his arms.

"Parrish, what do you remember?" I ask, causing Derek, Minho and The Sheriff to look in his direction.

"Not much, I remember hearing a voice calling in my head asking me to help him. Then the next thing I know I find him lying on the edge of the forest and I felt the need to bring him home." Parrish explains.

"So what we need to work out now was who poisoned him and if they are coming back or after the rest of the Gladers? I state to the group.

"Okay so this is what we are going to do, Parrish and Derek you are going to go with Minho to the safe haven to make sure everything is okay there. Scott, me and you are going to go back to the hospital and see if they have any updates on the poison used and to update your Dad." The Sherriff took control and advised.

--------------------------------------------- mini time skip ------------------------------------------------------------

It had been two weeks since Stiles's had died and was brought back to life by me and Lydia and we were no further forward in working out who did it, how they did and why they did it. The Sheriff and Dad had arranged a full time protection at the safe haven and an officer was placed at Stiles's and Ava's hospital doors.

Stiles was doing better to some extent, he was getting stronger everyday and now managed to walk around for short periods before having to rest, the poison didn't seem to do any long term damage but the main difference we had all noticed was Stiles's behavior around everyone, he no longer would crack jokes and his famous sarcasm was non existent.

I was sat in the hallway outside his room waiting to go back in, Dad had come with another agent to debrief Stiles on the whole situation and to get any answers they can from him. My Dad had already explained Stiles would be given the choice to be stationed here in Beacon Hills permantely as FBI liaison in the Sherriff's station or return to DC with him after a six months leave. I hoped he may choose to stay as his family from both sides was here for him but that was me thinking about the old Stiles and not the new Stiles.

I was broken out of my train of thoughts by the door opening up, out walked the agent who had arrived with my dad, I gave it a few minutes before knocking on the door.

"Is it okay if I come in?" I ask with my hand on the door.

"Yeah come on in Scotty." Stiles shouts back.

I enter the room and feel the tension coming from the occupants inside, Stiles was sat in the chair next to his bed with Dad perched at the end.

"Is everything okay?" I enquire.

"All good, I think. As long as you are okay for me to stay in Beacon Hills on a more permanent basis. I accepted the offer to be the FBI Liaison so I can stay close to my families." Stiles explained with no expression coming across his face.

"Of course I am okay with you staying in Beacon Hills, you are my brother I wouldn't have it any other way." I state with a massive smile on my face.

"There is something we need to discuss also but I would like Scott to remain in the room while we discuss this if that is okay with you Stiles?" Dad asks.

Stiles just nods, I take a deep breathe knowing what was about to happen.

"When we breached the Last City we arrived at the building you ended up being rescued from and found Ava Paige shot and dying, we managed to save her and bring her here. She is requesting to speak with yourself alone." Dad hurried out as though he was worried how Stiles would react.

Stiles stood up shaking, grabbing the side of the chair for support, "How? I was there when she was shot, no one could have survived that." He asks, the shock evident in his voice.

"It seems as though the bullet lodged in her spine causing her to lose full function of her lower body. You don't have to speak with her, the choice is entirely yours." Dad advises.

"Scott, I need you to do me two things. First I need you to go to my bedroom, underneath my bed is a black duffle bag. I need you to grab it and bring it here. Second I need you to grab your Mum and Lydia please. Don't ask any questions just do it please." Stiles demands at me.

"Raf, I will speak with her but on the condition that this is the last time I see her and Scott and Derek need to be sat where they can hear the conversation and check her heartbeat to make sure she is not lying." He finishes.

We both nod and leave the room, to allow him to get some rest, I head over to where everyone is waiting as they had been since he first arrived.

"Mum and Lydia, Stiles wants to speak with you both. I need to head to his house to collect something for him. Derek are you okay to come with me, I need to discuss something with you" I advise the room.

Derek stands up and follows me out of the hospital as Mum and Lydia head towards Stiles's room.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!

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