Chapter 5

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Welcome to Chapter 5 - I really have no idea what to write on these parts except I hope you enjoy!!

Minho sighed and relaxed back into his chair before saying " The betrayer was Teresa, now before we explain fully what happened you need to understand what happened in the maze."

"We had been in the maze for three years before Thomas arrived, in the maze everyone arrives in the same way, through a box in the ground. The box sends one new person up a month or as we call them a 'greenie' along with any supplies we would require for that month, three days before Teresa arrived the normal monthly supplies and a new greenie arrived. As you may guess this was Thomas or wait is it Sty-les that you know him as?" he asked while trying to sound out Stiles's name.

I nodded at his question while motioning for him to continue, "When he arrived I was out searching the maze for an escape route but heard that as soon as he exited the box he ran and face planted. He was given the normal introduction from Alby that we all get and was assigned to Chuck to show him around. During his first day he was different to everyone else, when the boy's normally arrive they either don't stop crying for days or get angry, accept it and then start helping out but Thomas was different he was curious, he questioned everything and went places he was not meant to go,"

On his second day was when thing started to change, one of the boys named Ben had attacked Thomas while he was working in the forest so we decided to banish him for this as the rules were clear that you never harm another Glader. That night as the doors closed we banished Ben into the maze, now what you need to realise about the maze is during the day it is safer for us to run around it but at night the Grievers come out to play, no one survived at night in the maze until the following night when Thomas ran in as the doors closed to save my life."

"Me and Alby had gone into the maze to check a few things out but we were attacked by a Griever and Alby was hurt, I tired getting him back to the Glade before the walls closed for the evening. Just as we rounded the final corner I noticed everyone stood looking for us and I knew I was never going to get there in time so I stopped trying, resigning myself to the fact that that was it, I was going to die tonight. Just before the doors fully closed, Thomas ran in between them and landed at my feet as they slammed shut for the night." Minho sighed as if he was been sucked back into the memory.

Wow Stiles had risked his life to save two people he had known for just over a day but something wasn't right, he had said that no one survives the night in maze yet he is sat here and Stiles is lying somewhere in the hospital.

"How did you all survive a night in a place where no one has ever survived a night before?" Derek asked, making me jump as I keep forgetting that he was there.

"It was because of Thomas, his quick thinking and bravery that we all survived the night and made it back to the Glade but now is not the time for that story, that is story for Thomas to tell when he is ready. After we arrived back into the Glade, Newt who was our acting leader at the time, called a meeting of the keepers as Thomas had broken our rules and it needed deciding what needed to happen. Gally along with a few others were looking to punish Thomas for breaking the rules where everyone else wanted to reward him for saving our lives ." Minho explained.

"Gally was not Thomas favourite person as he was so different to everyone else and he was very sarcastic." Minho stopped as he heard a collective chuckle around the room.

"It's nice to know that his name may of changed but he is still the same person we all knew and loved" Lydia said while everyone nodded in agreement with her statement.

"Well just as a judgement was about to be made the box alarm went off signalling that it was coming back up, this is where things started to change more as this was not due for another month. When we arrived at the box we were surprised to see that it was a girl in there with no supplies included but she looked dead. As Newt was I charge he jumped into the box to see if she was alive just as she shot up gasping and shouted out 'Thomas' before passing out again. In her hand was a note, on the note it said "She is the last one ever!" as those words left Minho's mouth I slipped out of my chair in surprise.

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